Just came here to say how much I hate t17s

Duskymage wrote:
Criticising op for not explaining exactly why they hate t17's is unjustified, their feedback in this feedback forum is that they really don't like t17's, not to provide a solution how to fix them.

I dislike T17s too, and believe that the game would be considerably better if they were straight-up deleted than in their current state. But I'm not a game developer so I'll also just point out this issue, and hope ggg will fix it.

And no, I currently don't see anything worth keeping from T17's, the layouts are horrible, the monsters and bosses aren't fun or recycled from elsewhere and the new map-mods are just "doesn't affect you or impossible". Putting disproportionate amounts of loot in there just makes the game worse because of fomo.

The monsters are also all pretty weak when raised as spectre and difficult to obtain, can't say ill ever run one again in their current state.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 25, 2024, 4:02:17 AM
Duskymage wrote:
their feedback in this feedback forum is that they really don't like t17's, not to provide a solution how to fix them.

Duskymage wrote:
I dislike T17s too, and believe that the game would be considerably better if they were straight-up deleted than in their current state.

Duskymage wrote:
the layouts are horrible, the monsters and bosses aren't fun or recycled from elsewhere

Dude, what feedback, you told everything what was to say. Recycled, low effort, garbage content. Delete that shit
On Probation Any%
If the map itself is a problem you either have not yet figured out which mods to roll and which to stay away from or you need some upgrades on your defenses.
However when it comes to the boss that is a different story. A single map mod or an eldritch altar can make the fight impossible to win specifically the trinity fight in Abomination.
Maybe there is some way to outskill Lycia by moving like a gamer god, but noway you can do that with the trinity bosses. Have to kill them within sec if they actually do damage via some map mod...

Pretty lame design and i hope poe 2 will fix this.
I am in for long boss fights as long as gear is only so much of a factor and you can do a lot with smart movement. Also GGG does not know any balance between phases. Yes phases are not very popular among poe players, but if there is an insane phase which requires you to avoid all kind of stuff, it's not a dps phase and you shouldn't be required to kill sth to end the phase(Lycia fight). Vise versa there are not enough burn phases or none in poe boss fight. I mean it's still fun but kind of lazy design...I have higher expectations from poe 2. I want to manually dodge stuff and not gear myself until i am able to facetank like andy because there is to much going on on the screen and i have to do damage at the same time...obv gear sitll needs to be the biggest factor don't get me wrong...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 25, 2024, 4:29:51 AM

GGG wants rofl content difficulty for nolifers with the top builds, cool. But it shouldn't bend whole economy around itself. Give peons a way to earn a living too:)
I'll hop on and leave my feedback...

Just make T17s like any other map and let us scour and use any currency on them.

Adjust rewards accordingly.

They should be a little bit better than T16s but crazy reward multipliers will be dependant on crazy mods.

Sixth map slot only available if the map is at least rare (and some level of quant, maybe?)

That would be it for me, really. I like that T17s exist but right now I think they're too much "do/don't".

I farmed almost 2 mirrors and dropped this league too, just cant... Game dying for me how cool drive action rpg, it becomes more diablo shit
DanteTDH wrote:
Just a suggestion to your....suggestion. Why not leave some type of critical feedback other than removing said T17's. Like Problem/Solution matrixes or something of the sort. Cheers!

Fix t17
Mashgesture wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
Fuck these things
fuck everything about them

remove this shit asap

its the worst thing you have ever done

Then dont run them.

Simple solution for a simple problem.

ONly if all wont run it too, cause its x5 profitable than all other shit
Dont want to pile on... but i find nothing fun about rerolling T17s hoping to get the magic combo of mods i can actually run.

And even when i decide to run one of them, i have literally no idea how much damage the enemies will be doing. there's like 4-7 mods all multiplying together and i just have to wing it and see if i get 1 shot. (-max resist, curse of vulnerability, enemies do 200% physical dmg as a random element, a trillion % crit modifier, etc...)
Offfit wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
Fuck these things
fuck everything about them

remove this shit asap

its the worst thing you have ever done

Then dont run them.

Simple solution for a simple problem.

ONly if all wont run it too, cause its x5 profitable than all other shit

really now?

Okay what strategy are you doing in t17 that is 5x more than strategies in t16?

Be sure to link the respective trees and scarabs based on what you claim, please and thank you!

For reference there are multiple published strategies by empyrian than generate 11-14/hr with low investment and low setup time.

So youll have to come up with something that is generating 55-70 div/hr to support your claim. But you knew that already.

When you can that is.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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