Just came here to say how much I hate t17s

Fuck these things
fuck everything about them

remove this shit asap

its the worst thing you have ever done
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Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 10:52:08 AM
Just a suggestion to your....suggestion. Why not leave some type of critical feedback other than removing said T17's. Like Problem/Solution matrixes or something of the sort. Cheers!
RitualMurder wrote:
Fuck these things
fuck everything about them

remove this shit asap

its the worst thing you have ever done

Then dont run them.

Simple solution for a simple problem.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
Fuck these things
fuck everything about them

remove this shit asap

its the worst thing you have ever done

Then dont run them.

Simple solution for a simple problem.


I don't like blight, so I don't run blight. It really is that simple.
Don't run them then? LOL
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
DanteTDH wrote:
Just a suggestion to your....suggestion. Why not leave some type of critical feedback other than removing said T17's. Like Problem/Solution matrixes or something of the sort. Cheers!

How you can be critical about garbage content. It's just garbage lol
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44 on Aug 25, 2024, 2:15:10 AM
i also came here to make a thread about why i hate t17's

17's should be to kill bosses to get uber fragments (much like shaper/elder/sirus maps) and not have catastrophic loot multipliers that force you to make builds you dont want to play to remain relevant in terms of making currency casual mapping.

give us the t16 meta back so we can just alc/scarab and go, and not be at a 400% disadvantage.

i burnt out last league because of t17s
and now im burning out again because of t17's

theres nothing fun about clicking 50 chaos orbs on a map
having to pay .6 div a map and spam 30 ppl
requiring specific scarabs/atlas trees so u actually dont lose money

t17s are shit.

before you could just
buy 40 8 mods
40 scarab sets

now im spending 20 mins fucking about trying to set up a t17, to run it and maybe make a div or two, or lose 6 portals and lose money (if you cant kill the bosses, your gonna lose money too, so boss skip is not an option, that leaves u with about 5 "turtle builds" that feel absolutely ZZZ to play, to even be 17 viable.)
its turbo dead.

Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 25, 2024, 3:10:46 AM
Cchris07 wrote:
i also came here to make a thread about why i hate t17's

17's should be to kill bosses to get uber fragments (much like shaper/elder/sirus maps) and not have catastrophic loot multipliers that force you to make builds you dont want to play to remain relevant in terms of making currency casual mapping.

give us the t16 meta back so we can just alc/scarab and go, and not be at a 400% disadvantage.

i burnt out last league because of t17s
and now im burning out again because of t17's

theres nothing fun about clicking 50 chaos orbs on a map
having to pay .6 div a map and spam 30 ppl
requiring specific scarabs/atlas trees so u actually dont lose money

t17s are shit.

before you could just
buy 40 8 mods
40 scarab sets

now im spending 20 mins fucking about trying to set up a t17, to run it and maybe make a div or two, or lose 6 portals and lose money (if you cant kill the bosses, your gonna lose money too, so boss skip is not an option, that leaves u with about 5 "turtle builds" that feel absolutely ZZZ to play, to even be 17 viable.)
its turbo dead.

You can alch scarab and go with t16s... a simple youtube search can tell you that.

50 chaos a map sounds like a ... very hard to believe story.

Pay .6 div a map and spam 30 people, theres... tft for that. Or you could also use bulk.... You would have to do the same thing for ... any map buying, you cant get them in the exchange....

Spending 20 minutes to .... setup a t17 sounds like a lot of wasted time doing nothing...

If your build is not capable of doing t17s.... and losing 6 portals... then dont run them.

5 turtle builds...??? What? What builds are these?

Can we get some tangible or actionable feedback instead of hyperbole or just straight story telling please?

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Criticising op for not explaining exactly why they hate t17's is unjustified, their feedback in this feedback forum is that they really don't like t17's, not to provide a solution how to fix them.

I dislike T17s too, and believe that the game would be considerably better if they were straight-up deleted than in their current state. But I'm not a game developer so I'll also just point out this issue, and hope ggg will fix it.

And no, I currently don't see anything worth keeping from T17's, the layouts are horrible, the monsters and bosses aren't fun or recycled from elsewhere and the new map-mods are just "doesn't affect you or impossible". Putting disproportionate amounts of loot in there just makes the game worse because of fomo.
Last edited by Duskymage on Aug 25, 2024, 3:39:02 AM
He is SSF. I suspect it's pretty shitty to try doing them when you don't have access to thousands of chaos orbs

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