Future of the game looks grim

Xzorn wrote:
PoE2 is the future of PoE.

Yea, they said they'd have two different leagues for each game but one game will be getting more money invested in it. Even now I'm sure it's painfully obvious we've been testing PoE2.

PoE will stay around but it's likely going to get the same or even less treatment PoE has since PoE2 was announced. GGG has no reason financially or creatively in having two competing games.

If you wanted to keep the zoom zoom one-slap the screen power fantasy. Oh well. As another poster mentioned they make the game and I doubt they ever wanted it to go that direction.

I still think the original plan was great, expanding the game with presumably twice the content and a full alternate storyline to progress through and a percieved BUMP in the development power of GGG as a whole after the foundations were set up nicely for the fabled PoE2 expansion.

But as far as im aware now the two games are so different that previous trajectory is no longer possible without massive sacrifices in PoE1 and maybe even waiting years for base content to be ported over essentially.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 21, 2024, 11:34:25 PM
Xzorn wrote:

If you wanted to keep the zoom zoom one-slap the screen power fantasy. Oh well. As another poster mentioned they make the game and I doubt they ever wanted it to go that direction.

Well.....they were the ones that MADE the game go that way. It's pretty ridiculous to say they didn't "ever want it to go in that direction". They literally spent 5+ years MAKING it go in that direction. And they continue to do so.

To make that statement is to say that GGG has literally made every mistake imaginable, and not once learned from it. Personally, I don't think they are that stupid....
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 22, 2024, 12:00:39 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Xzorn wrote:

If you wanted to keep the zoom zoom one-slap the screen power fantasy. Oh well. As another poster mentioned they make the game and I doubt they ever wanted it to go that direction.

Well.....they were the ones that MADE the game go that way. It's pretty ridiculous to say they didn't "ever want it to go in that direction". They literally spent 5+ years MAKING it go in that direction. And they continue to do so.

To make that statement is to say that GGG has literally made every mistake imaginable, and not once learned from it. Personally, I don't think they are that stupid....

While under the guise of making an expansion, Could have come clean sooner.
Innocence forgives you
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Doesn't matter what you want.

What matters is HOW THEY WANT IT understand? Games been fine for years and will continue to be fine do you know why? It's because they want to make the game how they want it to be.

Not this D4 CATER TO EVERYONE and fuck there game.

GGG knows there audience and will continue to know it and dam does it feel good.

This is a garbage way of going about saying things... but then again these are the type of players GGG caters to, while others get silenced (or worse).
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.
shardklaw wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Doesn't matter what you want.

What matters is HOW THEY WANT IT understand? Games been fine for years and will continue to be fine do you know why? It's because they want to make the game how they want it to be.

Not this D4 CATER TO EVERYONE and fuck there game.

GGG knows there audience and will continue to know it and dam does it feel good.

This is a garbage way of going about saying things... but then again these are the type of players GGG caters to, while others get silenced (or worse).

u can say garbage all you want lmao doesn't change the fact it's true and I've played POE 2 and I promise you.

Literally promise you it's much much much more time consuming and difficult.

Example if you die ALL mobs respawn.
You can't teleport out of a boss fight so no more LOL LET ME GO GET MY FLASK CHARGES nope it's literally gone.

If you attempt to alt f4 during a death to save experience as an SC guy or an HC guy mainly it LITERALLY logs you into the spot where the same exact moment when you are about to die.

There's no fucking movement skills in that game it's just you rolling and most of you will probably mistime it and write an a reddit thread on how it's too hard it's going to be great.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 22, 2024, 12:56:14 AM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i'm curious to see what they do with poe2....will they try to lure in different people like more casual gamers or just target the same people they target with current poe. if poe2 will be just like poe1 then a lot of people will just pick one game and focus on that. most people wont have time to grind two games for 8 hours each.

Poe2 will not be for casuals. Casuals will probably be stuck in Act1.
The grind is the grind. POE is built different from other arpgs.

If it gets to be too much, just skip a league.
8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
All they need to do is eliminate any possibility of carries and it sounds perfect to me
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Doesn't matter what you want...

What matters is HOW THEY WANT IT understand? Games been fine for years and will continue to be fine do you know why? It's because they want to make the game how they want it to be.

Not this D4 CATER TO EVERYONE and fuck there game.

GGG knows there audience and will continue to know it and dam does it feel good.

I see what you did they're and I absolutely love it
Can we just remove proximity shield please?

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