Future of the game looks grim

Congrats on having a release date for poe2, but the way leagues are going their isn't gong to be enough people left to sustain 2 games as a service.

The biggest issue is that poe feels designed to require too much time. In my opinion the ultra scarcity of notable loot is going to have to be adjusted in the players favor.

Making a build feel fun to play shouldn't require a much investment. Relying on stuff like pob/trade awakened/3rd 9arty loot filters only makes these kind of pain points worse. Let alone the fact you need some bonkers items to offset the slow base attack and cast speed.

Poe feels designed to burn people out. I don't think having two of these things running at once is going to garner good favor.

Last bumped on Aug 23, 2024, 5:24:27 AM
Doesn't matter what you want.

What matters is HOW THEY WANT IT understand? Games been fine for years and will continue to be fine do you know why? It's because they want to make the game how they want it to be.

Not this D4 CATER TO EVERYONE and fuck there game.

GGG knows there audience and will continue to know it and dam does it feel good.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
roundishcap wrote:
The biggest issue is that poe feels designed to require too much time.

That's why I am playing lol
On Probation Any%
haha, true that. I like spending time and building wealth. It may be boring and strange to some, but it suits me just fine
Settlers has even better retention and player numbers than Affliction. I am not sure where you see a downward trend, Roundish. Day 24 had twice as many people playing as Sentinel.

If you're not having fun let it be so, but extrapolating that to mean everyone else is quitting is not convincing anyone when the numbers are so clear.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
i'm curious to see what they do with poe2....will they try to lure in different people like more casual gamers or just target the same people they target with current poe. if poe2 will be just like poe1 then a lot of people will just pick one game and focus on that. most people wont have time to grind two games for 8 hours each.
Well, I have to admit that I'm burnt out

Poe no longer delights me

I'm playing because I'm waiting for poe 2

And I'm quite convinced that I'll just switch to poe 2 and put aside poe 1 completely.

However, I think that a lot of people will still play POE 1
roundish.....you've been around a long time. You shouldn't need any of that 3rd party stuff. I've never once used Awakened Trade. I use PoB sparingly at the minmax stage, but for the most part I know what I want to do without it because I've made every kind of build tens/hundreds of times now.

Nothing is "required".

As for time commitment....sure it takes a while to get to a CERTAIN point. But it does NOT take a long time to get a fully fleshed out, red map ripper going. Even with a moderate amount of experience, it maybe takes 2-3 weeks or less of casual (MAYBE 10 hours a week). The "time" problem comes when you start to push builds to the limit. Crafting gear takes forever, buying 100+ divine items takes a long time, etc.

But you don't need any of that. You don't NEED to match streamer speed. You don't NEED to push t17s in a week. You don't NEED to be farming 5 scarab, fully juiced content in a week. Stop relying on other people telling you what your gameplay should look like. Leagues are 3-4 MONTHS long. People forget that....

I actually feel like the time constraints in modern PoE are far far far less than they were in olden days PoE (pre-3.0). To get ANYWHERE required eternal and exalted orbs which basically never dropped. Nowadays, we have fractured items, essences, crafting bench, etc. to speed up the process immensely. And there is so much more content to keep you entertained while you gain those resources. You don't have to run the same area over and over and over again.

Don't confuse base time requirement with minmax time requirement....min-maxing SHOULD take you eons. It is even TOO EASY to get the best possible equipment right now and should be harder.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 21, 2024, 11:01:37 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
roundish.....you've been around a long time. You shouldn't need any of that 3rd party stuff. I've never once used Awakened Trade. I use PoB sparingly at the minmax stage, but for the most part I know what I want to do without it because I've made every kind of build tens/hundreds of times now.

Nothing is "required".

As for time commitment....sure it takes a while to get to a CERTAIN point. But it does NOT take a long time to get a fully fleshed out, red map ripper going. Even with a moderate amount of experience, it maybe takes 2-3 weeks or less of casual (MAYBE 10 hours a week). The "time" problem comes when you start to push builds to the limit. Crafting gear takes forever, buying 100+ divine items takes a long time, etc.

But you don't need any of that. You don't NEED to match streamer speed. You don't NEED to push t17s in a week. You don't NEED to be farming 5 scarab, fully juiced content in a week. Stop relying on other people telling you what your gameplay should look like. Leagues are 3-4 MONTHS long. People forget that....

I actually feel like the time constraints in modern PoE are far far far less than they were in olden days PoE (pre-3.0). To get ANYWHERE required eternal and exalted orbs which basically never dropped. Nowadays, we have fractured items, essences, crafting bench, etc. to speed up the process immensely. And there is so much more content to keep you entertained while you gain those resources. You don't have to run the same area over and over and over again.

Don't confuse base time requirement with minmax time requirement....min-maxing SHOULD take you eons. It is even TOO EASY to get the best possible equipment right now and should be harder.

It's not that they need it so much as it saves a lot of time, all we really need is some kind of appraisal npc now on top of the currency market and at least people could see if they have something valuable or not within some margin of error without using any third party apps.

Coconutdoggy wrote:
Doesn't matter what you want.

No, It does actually matter what they want and you're not in a position to tell them otherwise in that particular matter any more than they are you.

This is a feedback section for feedback directed to the developers, if they didn't want people to tell them what they wanted they would not have created it.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 21, 2024, 11:26:03 PM
PoE2 is the future of PoE.

Yea, they said they'd have two different leagues for each game but one game will be getting more money invested in it. Even now I'm sure it's painfully obvious we've been testing PoE2.

PoE will stay around but it's likely going to get the same or even less treatment PoE has since PoE2 was announced. GGG has no reason financially or creatively in having two competing games.

If you wanted to keep the zoom zoom one-slap the screen power fantasy. Oh well. As another poster mentioned they make the game and I doubt they ever wanted it to go that direction.
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