Mappers absolutely suck

It cost me 300-500K gold to get enough mappers to even run a red map (2 t10s, 1 t9 and 2 t8s). I set them to run maps when I went to bed. Someone died on the second map and they stopped running maps... What is even the point of this mechanic? I have to babysit the mappers and check in on thm every 15 minutes?? It's just a gold sink with no return? It's wildly disappointing and now shipping is also nerfed into the ground so the only thing left is recombinators... This league mechanic should have been the best of all time but they always drop the ball like this with stupid decisions like 1% risk being minimum, I can't stand it. Even if it meant T1 maps were the highest you could run with 0% risk I would only run those. Instead of playing the league for many more weeks like planned, I just don't care anymore, wildwood suck(does literally nothing positive at all), ground loot sucks (3 raw div in 1 million kills LMAO), league mechanic loot sucks. Why is fun always hated :(

tl;dr: Having a 1% minimum chance for mappers to die is like having a 1% chance for a random piece of gear to be deleted every time you complete a map. Complete nonsense.
Last edited by justgivemeafuckingaccou on Aug 16, 2024, 5:18:07 AM
Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 11:00:57 AM
Totally agree with this. Mappers should either not die at all, just change percentage chance of map completion based on their rank or there should be automatic replacement option for lost mappers if you have few idle in town. Stopping mapping when dying is just plain stupid.

I don't like this league mechanic at all. I don't want to micromanage some stupid mechanics which add nothing to enjoying gameplay of poe. I don't care if you get occasionally divine from shipping or mapping. I wanna get currency by killing stuff which should always be a priority in poe. But since ggg thinks otherwise and this mechanics exists as they couldn't come up with better idea for league then at least make it automated and not halting progress when some incredibly exciting and engaging event like mapper dying happens.
It looks like they went all over the place.

I'd rather have a deeper crafting system with recombinator and runesmithing, than tons of different mechanics. The fact that runes are limited to weapons is really frustrating. There must be a way to balance all stuff with rarer runes.
Last edited by achmoye on Aug 17, 2024, 5:20:06 AM
Yeah they often die at 1% chance. XCOM rules it seems like.
One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.
Mappers dying at 1% chance.
Sailors being lost at 0% risk.
Runes only being something if you use a build using rare weapon.
Yup this is so much fun
Khäel wrote:
Mappers dying at 1% chance.
Sailors being lost at 0% risk.
Runes only being something if you use a build using rare weapon.
Yup this is so much fun

Sailors deciding to start a new life and events like that are not tied to risk. Risk only affects your shipment
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Mappers are really garbage for the insane amount of gold and micromanaging they require. Like first of all lvl10 mappers should have 0% chance of dying because lvl10 shipment guys make it so you always have 0% risk, it would only make sense. And mappers are wayyy too expensive right now, who can afford to run them at 16k gold per hour along with everything else all day?
And that "1%" chance to die is a complete lie, when I was doing the 200 t14 rare maps for endgame grinds challenge I had 1 mapper die after about 100, I was like "ok makes sense". Then 4 or 5 more died in a single day when I got to around 160. I spent well over 1 mil gold rerolling for rank 10 mappers again, I made them run t14 alt orb+regaled+annuled 0-Mod maps and they STILL somehow failed and died in those, yet when I checked after they died the completion was at 100%, how do you die in a finished map lol

Obviously after I was done with the challenges I never put another map into those devices, its such a scam and waste of gold. Imo at least the rank 10 mappers should reduce the chance to die to 0% while ranks 1-9 still have 1%. So then with a full team of rank 10s you don't have to worry about one dying in map #3 at 4 am.
I ran 200 maps for the challenge as well, and while they weren't dying that often to be bothered by it, the loot from them was less than exciting.

I got maybe 3 raw divines, 4 valdo boxes and one 21/20 gem worth 2 div. One expensive scarab (ambush one, 1.6 div) too.

Rest was bubblegum currency, like singular chaoses, alts, unmakings, heist coins, some simulacrum fragments. I can't estimate how much currency I made out of this bubblegum but it wasn't much. I had a strict loot filter applied.

Now let's talk about costs.

One map takes them about 15 min. So 200 maps takes 50 hours. Their hourly wages are very large, operating one map device with rank 9-10 mappers costed me about 15 000 gold per hour give or take.

So this was expense of about 750 000 gold. To get not that much back tbh. Not counting recruitment and replacing dead guys. Just wages. Factor in the value of 200 maps themselves too, they can be a few divines when sold in bulk. They were all defiled cathedrals cos i was farming T17 with singular focus. In short, not really worth it. Most players don't grind juiced T17 maps that drop 80 000 a piece. 750k is a big deal.
Last edited by Esubane on Sep 9, 2024, 9:30:53 AM
Mappers = gambling with gold. If you don't want to gamble gold then don't use them :)

I have only kept them running since they gave me a mirror fairly early on and I only let them run when I am online myself.

The other potential use-case is to get rid of maps your build don't do well (no regen, various reflects, less recovery mostly). I throw all "bad maps" into a quad tab after corrupting my map pool and let them work on them eventually. Since I am lazy I also let them run all my shaper/elder/conq maps to get boss fragments (modless for full clear success rate). That's about it.
Last edited by arknath on Sep 9, 2024, 10:43:39 AM
almost every time i log in, a mapper has died and shipment was hijacked by pirates. then after i defeat the pirate boss there is still 3 hours left on the shipment. its pretty obvious they dont want people making progress while they are offline...

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