Most hated league

quitting in disgust..
Not even Kalandra wasn't this stingy with loot drops.
I play suboptimal I always played suboptimal but this league is ridiculous. really ridiculous im so angry/
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 12:12:52 PM
Plays sub optimal.

Expects to be rewarded.


Meanwhile I'm not even min max'ing and I'm catjaming LOL
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I'll give it to him, I've never been this poor in a league

I always play "suboptimal", yet I'm able to gather like 400-500 divs. this league? made like 25-30 div total I think
Last edited by auspexa on Aug 14, 2024, 5:40:07 AM
How anyone can be poor in this game baffles me.

I recently transfered over from our league start private league.
Only wearing self-crafted rares and self-found uniques.
Instantly bought a Progenesis after selling a ton of bulk stuff on the new currency exchange.

Your anger seems very misplaced.
Shoryuken69 wrote:
quitting in disgust..
Not even Kalandra wasn't this stingy with loot drops.
I play suboptimal I always played suboptimal but this league is ridiculous. really ridiculous im so angry/

Brother, i play casually this league, and it prints currency, just send food to your ship and you'll get shit ton of currency

You don't even need to play the game, 5 T16 map is enough for 1 entire day of shipments
Eat the bugs and be happy. FML im dropping only garbage if anything drops at all. everytime I kill a big boss im like wasnt this dude supposed to drop something? and nada nothing another goddamn time waste.
If you're playing trade league pick any mechanic and invest into it. T16s are just can't do strongboxes in T16. I've been doing Ritual and printed a quadrillion invites to the king. Whenever you get a "nameless" ritual you basically get 5 invite which is 4 divine. If you run them you get even more.
ryuukk33 wrote:
Shoryuken69 wrote:
quitting in disgust..
Not even Kalandra wasn't this stingy with loot drops.
I play suboptimal I always played suboptimal but this league is ridiculous. really ridiculous im so angry/

Brother, i play casually this league, and it prints currency, just send food to your ship and you'll get shit ton of currency

You don't even need to play the game, 5 T16 map is enough for 1 entire day of shipments

Missleading, because in order to satisfy those shipments you need crew, farmers, smelters, dust bla bla bla.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Kingsmarch delivers a ridiculous amount of items and currency. Ships with crops generate infinite currency so technically you don't even need a strong character, but only something able to clean up lowest maps with packsise for more gold.

This said it's possible you get issues by not starting the league early: i was able to sell alot of things in the first 1-2 weeks but now seems the "classic economy" is dead or very slow.

Just don't forget to send you ships to Kalgurian ports (not Karui ones) if you want runes... heh
Last edited by Universalis on Aug 14, 2024, 4:20:45 PM
This league is one of the craziest leagues in terms of rewards and how little effort you've to put into it.
You basically don't even have to juice maps if you can't but still make big currency by sending out your money printer ships filled with infinite idle printed crops lol
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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