Crash on loadingscreens

Now I can't even log in, on top of experiencing the loading screen issue lol
Try (worked for me):
reinstalled the game (steam version btw) was working for a while, then the game crashed during a map boss fight with lots of visual effects, after that the problem is back. the game will now randomly hang while loading the zone screen. I do not know if the in-game crash was coincidental or causative, but it's twice now that the problem started happening after an in-game crash. Looks like the game has more problems if you are loading one of the busy towns, so I'm speculating that it may be related to the amount or type of the MTX that are present in the town when it's trying to load. Once you get through the initial town load screen and are able to jump to the hideout, jumping between hideout and maps is not a problem
Try turning off engine multithreading in-game just to give it a test. Basically boot up the game, turn it off, restart the game, then try loading in to a few areas that you'd normally crash in, such as the hideout, Kingsmarsh, Act 1 town, maps, etc.

Turning that setting off will make your game only use 1 CPU core. It's not ideal as the game will be laggy because it's CPU limited, but it'd be interesting to see if that also fixes your crashes and might point you in the right direction if it does. It's worth a shot as I didn't see it mentioned as being disabled in your settings in the original post.
No joy with the multithreading setting either. Also, after having said that switching to other less populated areas was not a problem, I encountered the issue going back to my hideout from a map, and now I just can't get the game to load beyond the initial login screen any more. game just hangs at the loading screen. After I downloaded the client, I made a steam backup of the fresh files in case there's some corruption issue going on, but restoring to the fresh files does not solve the problem. game still hangs. running out of ideas

This worked for me, solved the problem!

Just FYI: I don't overclock and I don't know the actual ramifications of doing this, so use at your own risk!
Im having the same Issue, game crashes randomly between loading screen and 1 hour game play.Mostly 5-10mins. Tried petty much everything possible. The game runs very smooth till at somepoint it gets laggy and shortly after crashes.
Last 2 seasons I had 2 problems and was running pretty juiced maps.

AMD Ryzen 7 6800H with Radeon Graphics 3.20 GHz
RAM 16,0 GB
Nvidia Gefroce RTX 3050i
64-Bit Windows11

If you have any ideas... :(

I just found this the in client.txt, This is when the game crashed
2024/08/07 17:07:25 9463359 ff073be2 [CRIT Client 2980] Failed to decompress (corrupted data)
Last edited by Swordbunny123 on Aug 7, 2024, 11:11:30 AM
had hoped the just released patch would address the issue but it does not. Started fine and was filled with relief. Managed two maps, then returning to the hideout the game froze on loading again. Checked the client log but there does not appear to be anything odd, the client log looks like it loaded fine but the client hangs on the loading screen. does anyone know if there is a way to get more info in the log? for reference here is what I got:

2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417406 ca3a6994 [INFO Client 13972] Connecting to instance server at
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417437 ca3a50d7 [DEBUG Client 13972] Connect time to instance server was 15ms
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417453 1186a0e3 [DEBUG Client 13972] Client-Safe Instance ID = 120499700
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417453 1186a003 [DEBUG Client 13972] Generating level 20 area "HideoutBaths" with seed 1
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417625 f22b69e3 [INFO Client 13972] Tile hash: 3779661124
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417625 f22b69e0 [INFO Client 13972] Doodad hash: 1325010602
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417671 e0343724 [DEBUG Client 13972] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 270 x 270
2024/08/07 21:47:50 15417671 e0345006 [DEBUG Client 13972] [SCENE] Walkability Texture: 207 x 207
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15417984 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 13972] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 2, seed = 11219, and keystone selection = 1
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418015 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 13972] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 2, seed = 11219, and keystone selection = 1
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418015 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 13972] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'LevelUp' triggered
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418171 cff94598 [INFO Client 13972] : You have entered Luxurious Hideout.
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418328 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 13972] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'PlayerReturnedToHideout' triggered
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418328 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 13972] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'EnterHideoutLongCooldown' triggered
2024/08/07 21:47:51 15418328 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 13972] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'EnterHideout' triggered

Still happening to me too.
BigJules wrote:
had hoped the just released patch would address the issue but it does not. Started fine and was filled with relief. Managed two maps, then returning to the hideout the game froze on loading again. Checked the client log but there does not appear to be anything odd, the client log looks like it loaded fine but the client hangs on the loading screen. does anyone know if there is a way to get more info in the log?

Nope, the log is half useless. You need to provide some info on your pc
cpu, gpu + driver, what client

Known Issues:
13th/14th gen Intel crashing games and pc's (not a poe issue)
Nvidia Drivers newer than 552.22 causing hangs + stutters + crashes (not a poe issue)

Occasional odd issues with Steam Client vs Standalone

Vulkan error > fixed by swapping to dx12 or doing the appropriate settings in nvidia control panel.

Setting Windows to use the GPU in high performance mode
Last edited by ps7ekken on Aug 7, 2024, 5:03:53 PM

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