The blight rework no one asked for is terrible

Nomancs wrote:
accelerantqt wrote:

If i do a 3-4 min blight encounter with a scarab id expect the reward chest to have ONE item that showed on my loot filter. The same as doing a t16 blighted map with zero reward, why would anyone do it or find it enjoyable?

If you did multiple maps of ritual with ritual scarabs and the window was empty you would enjoy it?

There is a balance between zero currency and it raining mirrors. Currently it's way out of tilt. I'm not talking of one leagues experiance... Since blight came out it hasn't been this bad that i can remember because oil extractors existed, now they don't.

Yes, the difference is proper setup usually, and considering average, not "did it once and it was empty-ish". I already did bunch of blights !!without scarabs!!, and got bunch of stuff worth over a divine.

Can you present a spreadsheet with your loot so we could at least see the average?

I don't spreadsheet my loot mate because it's a game i'm suppose to enjoy not an office job.
I farm hundred of divines with blight every league i play, i know how to set up blight etc. Do 20 toxic sewers with blightheart scarab and tell me it feels good.
The loot feels bad and there is no way to effectively "juice" it.

I could play blighted maps which are basically the same but as they reward around 1500 gold i might aswell play in standard. If you can't see why thats an issue worth feeding back to them i don't really know what to say pal.
accelerantqt wrote:

I don't spreadsheet my loot mate because it's a game i'm suppose to enjoy not an office job.
I farm hundred of divines with blight every league i play, i know how to set up blight etc. Do 20 toxic sewers with blightheart scarab and tell me it feels good.
The loot feels bad and there is no way to effectively "juice" it.

I could play blighted maps which are basically the same but as they reward around 1500 gold i might aswell play in standard. If you can't see why thats an issue worth feeding back to them i don't really know what to say pal.

If I will do that, I will pick my own setup, profitable one, not "play naked, try to get mirrors" challenge, lad.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 2, 2024, 12:16:08 PM
accelerantqt wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
accelerantqt wrote:

If i do a 3-4 min blight encounter with a scarab id expect the reward chest to have ONE item that showed on my loot filter. The same as doing a t16 blighted map with zero reward, why would anyone do it or find it enjoyable?

If you did multiple maps of ritual with ritual scarabs and the window was empty you would enjoy it?

There is a balance between zero currency and it raining mirrors. Currently it's way out of tilt. I'm not talking of one leagues experiance... Since blight came out it hasn't been this bad that i can remember because oil extractors existed, now they don't.

Yes, the difference is proper setup usually, and considering average, not "did it once and it was empty-ish". I already did bunch of blights !!without scarabs!!, and got bunch of stuff worth over a divine.

Can you present a spreadsheet with your loot so we could at least see the average?

I don't spreadsheet my loot mate because it's a game i'm suppose to enjoy not an office job.
I farm hundred of divines with blight every league i play, i know how to set up blight etc. Do 20 toxic sewers with blightheart scarab and tell me it feels good.
The loot feels bad and there is no way to effectively "juice" it.

I could play blighted maps which are basically the same but as they reward around 1500 gold i might aswell play in standard. If you can't see why thats an issue worth feeding back to them i don't really know what to say pal.

May be just try once, to make the problem a lot more clear to see
Pashid wrote:

No, loot is just the same as always. It's always been a roulette of getting lucky with golden oils or not.

golden oils came 95% (maybe even higher) from oil extractors so once they were gone I was pretty confident it'd feel garbage, I specced it on league start this time as usual but i've already dropped it from non spicy and spicy tree.

Its just too risky for HC, too slow for fluid gameplay and the rewards are really poor a vast majority of the time - more it doesn't have any of the "interesting" items you can get out of other reward sources that are often sketch like ritual or ultimatum.

I do agree with OP, the previous iteration of blight was drastically better than this one. I don't even think most of the nodes have any impact you can probably take the bottom left blight wheel and not bother with anything else and your experience will be identical to someone who took every node available.
it is funny when people claim 'you setup it wrong/give data' when they have neither themselves

i am a blight enjoyer by heart. this league the blight is a 3-step source of ultra-rare jackpot items from blight-ravageds. if you dont hit them - you wasted your time

last league it was the same but map encounters had extractor (main source of golden oils). they are gone.

this league we have
- the usual ultra rare multi-div uniques
- the uber rare AND uber random double oil amulet bases
- the only slightly less rare tainted oil that has limited use thus limited value
- nice source of high ilvl bases (but.. T17 do that better)
- plus game crashing pile of the usual invisible junk any semi-strict filter removes and oils you spend rolling blight-ravageds trying to hit the first three

the gameplay is lazy, provides ample supply of minor currency but it is hardly profitable UNLESS very lucky. the steady stream of currency items assumes you dont filter it out (basic fossils, T3 essences etc)

scarabs (aka 'the setup, lol) are straightforward as a stick same the new atlas passive. dismantling is QoL nightmare, even if done with 18 towers (that in most cases you have no say about - if you get 4 lanes with 2 slots per lane.. thats 8 towers, not 18.. so you get nada).

i like blight, it is braindead content and it is perfect to test builds, esp the 'explody' ones, but profitable it aint. and the QoL of this.. dont approach with non-caster
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Pashid wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
its not just blight. drops in general are awful this league. like kalandra level bad

No, loot is just the same as always. It's always been a roulette of getting lucky with golden oils or not.

As is for "drops in general" I can be stressed enough to bring it up but Affliction league is long long over.

Most profit still comes from selling crafting stuff or doing league mechanics like sanctum or expedition to print raw div, along with the natural few divine drops ever so often if you actually get your exile into maps.
so all in all pretty much the same story like every other league lol

meanwhile a 3 page thread where everyone who posted agrees about the loot being worse than usual.

That's not proof when someone else literally shared their loot that proves it wrong.

Nomancs wrote:
Base game not rewarding? you must be kidding me.

And this is just base drop from the ground, not counting Tujen, ships or other stuff. What are you doing if you can't find anything? It is literally absurd amount of loot.

I think people are still feeling spoiled from Affliction league and forgot that loot was always like this.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I think people are still feeling spoiled from Affliction league and forgot that loot was always like this.[/quote]

Not sure i play the same game as some others. 10 div is literally nothing it's a half decent chest armor maybe. Ground loot wasn't the point of this thread anyway.
The point is they randomly reworked blight and it just flat out sucks by any metric compared to if they had just done nothing. I have done a few t16's where i'm cose to losing currency by running them. That's not a healthy state for a league mechanic you are fully invested in with scarabs. We lost extractos, +1 oil teir + reopen scarabs which made up most of your income from blight. We got an ultra rare 16c oil in return...
Pizzarugi wrote:

That's not proof when someone else literally shared their loot that proves it wrong.

right....and how much does that guy play? he has 26 challenges after just 1 week...but hey as long as he's getting loot things must be fine right? lets balance drops around people who play all day!
I just stopped using scarab no matter what im farming

Im I getting close to nothing and wasting my time playing? Yes

Im I making backward progress? No
Why am I still here
Agree, rework is poop.

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