WTF is with the tornado damage

+1 overtuned hard
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The damage is very easily defended against...its elemental damage. Overcapped resists or resists + mitigation will make these tornadoes do absolutely nothing to you in the thick of battle. Idle though, they are a pain in the ass.

The bigger problem than the damage is the visual issues as others mentioned. Both this and those goddamn meteors / lightning bolts / etc. add to a bloated screen for absolutely no reason. They aren't "cool", they aren't "useful", they just put additional strain on my eyes, my system, and make the game even worse with screen diahrrea.

I legitimately think that whoever creates these new systems has some sort of bionic eyes. They STILL haven't made Harvest crops clear enough, ground effects are still impossible to see in many scenarios, areas are far too dark (and they released a mechanic that made things even DARKER?!?!?!?!), etc.

They have previously said they didn't want to make major visual changes because it would ruin the dark "aesthetic" of the game. Shame they don't give a damn about that when they release these bright, shiny, explosive, disconnected mtx...They clearly don't care about aesthetic too much.

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