WTF is with the tornado damage

So the best way to interact with this mechanic is to:
1. ignore it
2. complete the map
3. Go back and click it
4. use Portal
One of the worst mechanics.

Who the hell did think this was a good mechanic?
A tornado, no sound, no warning, just appears on top of u, does enough damage 2 kill u in seconds, while u have 2 interact with several different mechanics, clicking stuff while getting deleted in a few.

Seriously, who 's the designer of this?
Is this the idea of a 'Fun and rewarding' mechanic?

Again, terrible idea GG
Marxone wrote:
Probably pickup radius got increased so that they could add some crazy mechanic like this that is basically built to kill people who pick up items or go idle in a map.

melee strike range has not been buffed. sad
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was thinking of quitting the league because of this. what exactly spawns these things?
asdfen wrote:
was thinking of quitting the league because of this. what exactly spawns these things?

You activating it via a bismuth ore node.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
My favorite tornadoes are those that don't render and you randomly die while moving through a map. This mechanic seems way over tuned early on. Rest of the league is pretty cool though. GG GGG.
Last edited by jamodoom on Jul 29, 2024, 7:33:58 AM
Frankly don't care if it's a mechanic or not. It's not fun. The visual clarity in that game is awful at the best of times, and depending on what you're playing it's about damn impossible to see the things before it's too late to move.

Game suffers hard enough from screen vomit that a nearly transparent spawning under your Christmas tree flashing feet death mechanics is a stupid idea.

Almost makes me miss the coffins.


I mean you could make a mechanics that just triples your CD's and quarters your movement the entire map. Doesn't mean it's a good idea to make.

Frankly just replace those nados with some spawning mobs, you know somethings to kill? Let's me real, no one likes the traps in this game. Never talked to a single person that was like "oh boy gee wizz, I sure do love PoE for it's interesting %damage environment hazards." They are just something you deal with, be annoying at, and eventually just try to ignore.
Last edited by Jhaerik2 on Jul 29, 2024, 9:44:40 AM
Lol at all these gamers saying "get good" when the mechanic itself is bad. No one cares about your opinion nerds.
They dont dmg me.
Tired of them too.

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