Can't refund Passives

Mannnnn pls fixxxx this ggg
QQPQ wrote:
Richman209ish wrote:
So I guess I'm not crazy then lol. I really wanna mess around on my Hollow Palm Cyclone but due to the changes to Impalechance on the tree and mana going from 1 to 5.... I'm stuck between a wall and a hard place lol

Sounds like you're talking about Standard. You should have a free full respec on every standard character, and that still works. I did one earlier.

I didn't think about using my Full Passivr Respec lol. Still I shouldn't have to use it when the game says I have 10 refund points to use.

Also its going on in the league as well. I can't use my refund skll points as well
Same here on PS5, cannot refund skill points in passiv tree.
Canta refund passível
same issue, NOT in standard, playing league, want to all
so you need to talk to faustus in farmville (is what global chat told me)

and it worked,

such badd communication...
Same on PS5, cannot refund skill points...
I use regrets and nothing...
Having issues as well, 6 refund points can’t use them?! Lol worst league start ever. Wait 8 hrs to get in to name a character. Now I can’t shape my character how I like pfffffttt gg ggg lol ffs
Same on PS5, cannot refund skill points...
I use regrets and nothing...
And surprise surprise no response from ggg

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