'Trading Orb': The One Currency to Fix Trade

Nomancs wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

The same - simple players would buy their simple stuff

No, because better players would sell 2x better item for same price that they're not selling now as it isn't worth their time. You think you will get currency instantly, but ignoring bigger picture that it will make your items unsellable.

Even better, coz buyers would buy better items

Not like current league where ppl are selling crap stuff for hundreds of divines.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
SilverWF wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

The same - simple players would buy their simple stuff

No, because better players would sell 2x better item for same price that they're not selling now as it isn't worth their time. You think you will get currency instantly, but ignoring bigger picture that it will make your items unsellable.

Even better, coz buyers would buy better items

Not like current league where ppl are selling crap stuff for hundreds of divines.

Finally, Im glad you finally noticed one of the problems this will create - now, do you know why it will be bad for the game? Because it will be.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

Even better, coz buyers would buy better items

Not like current league where ppl are selling crap stuff for hundreds of divines.

Finally, Im glad you finally noticed one of the problems this will create - now, do you know why it will be bad for the game? Because it will be.

Are you sure you are answering to me?

I said several times that I am for healthier market in POE

And only automatic AH and more loot would be able to do that.

And if some nolifer dislike that - there is always private leagues to their service, where they could disable any drop and play as is, lol
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
SilverWF wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

Even better, coz buyers would buy better items

Not like current league where ppl are selling crap stuff for hundreds of divines.

Finally, Im glad you finally noticed one of the problems this will create - now, do you know why it will be bad for the game? Because it will be.

Are you sure you are answering to me?

I said several times that I am for healthier market in POE

And only automatic AH and more loot would be able to do that.

And if some nolifer dislike that - there is always private leagues to their service, where they could disable any drop and play as is, lol

I pointed you in a direction of flaws in this idea, and I hope you will answer my original question I asked. Instant gratification is not a healthy market :)
You definitely need to play d4, will be perfect for you.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on May 29, 2024, 8:28:05 PM
Nomancs wrote:

You definitely need to play d4, will be perfect for you.

As I said, I'm just waiting for sale, coz regular price is too much.

Well, if GGG doesn't need casual's money, well, then...
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
This game, along with every other game in the world, is broken. Fixing trade (this idea is terrible btw) is like putting a band-aid on a trauma patient riddled with cancer.
This game, along with every other game in the world, is broken. Fixing trade (this idea is terrible btw) is like putting a band-aid on a trauma patient riddled with cancer.

You are awesome, my man!

This is bad, that is bad, everything is bad, but only me is fine :D
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
This is bad, that is bad, everything is bad, but only me is fine :D

fine 'n dandy -> sour candy
I do not like this idea.
1eyedking wrote:

Thus, let me introduce the holy grail of Orbs, the fix-it-all band-aid this game needs, the Trading Orb! An item that from now on players would require to apply on their items or stacks to be able to trade them.

Ingenious, huh?


Well, what your are talking is a added value TAX.

May it be better implemented in a smoother way, first, it doesnt need to be rare, just the cost to "WTS" a high objective value item (based on RNG rarity) generates a higher currency tax barrier. Gold aproach, the RL way trades started to be, is a good aproach.

The TAX value can be tied to the tier rarity of mods, orbs or unique itself.

Selling low-mid value items should be allowed. Taxing must be a low entry feature to allow all players to do trading, not only high-end scalpers.

High grade items could have a exponentially increased tax in "gold coins/ngamakanui shells/trade tokens". This means trading at low lvl is simbolically cheap, but doing it on high end items requires a determined effort.

You get trade rights strictly by PLAYING the game (raw drop or master mision completion as example) and are not trade-able to prevent station traders and bots.

But all this suposes a BUILT IN trade system, that control and grab trade taxes.

Last edited by Halugar on Jul 3, 2024, 10:50:52 PM

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