Make Spell Suppression less mandatory

i dont think they actually need to nerf it tho.

Wouldn't even be a nerfing, just a partial dial back to where it was. Bosses nowadays do twice the amount of spell damage they did before SS was introduced. Shaper being a prime example with now ~14k damage per ball while he used to do 7k. It's utterly ridiculous design again.

GGG Employee 1: "Hey, let's give people a new defensive layer to play around with".

GGG Employe 2: "You sure? Won't they die less when we do that? Might cause them to quit a league a bit earlier".

GGG Employee 1: "Hm, yeah i guess you are right, then how about we just double all the monster damage to compensate? That way people who use the new layer will die just as much as before while everyone else will die even more!!! Win Win."
ArtCrusade wrote:

Mandatory might be a slight exaggeration (although in hardcore it sure feels mandatory) on account of alternatives existing, but it depends on where you set the bar for how difficult the content you run has to be.

I.e. any build can run T16 builds on a budget. Can you say the same about juiced up, 8-modded maps? Can you run them safely?

Truth, HOWEVER I would say that, yes, I do regularly run juiced up 8 mod t16s without SS. That is generally where my characters end up. And no, I NEVER have a multi-mirror build doing these things. Perhaps not 30 simulacrum though...

Don't disagree that SS is powerful and perhaps cheaper by the pound than other defenses. But you really DON'T need an enormous budget to build non-SS strong defenses. You perhaps need more base knowledge and a better build design but that's...the game.

If I were to make a very rough comparison: its like running around using Purity of Elements for ailment immunity and resistances before you get geared up enough for capped resists and then ailment immunity via implicits and tree. These things aren't EXPENSIVE or remotely hard to do, they just take planning. Spell Suppression to me is the "easy way" much like Purity can be the "easy way" for resists and ailments. But building a non-SS character with 100k+ ehp and decent 1hko resistances really does NOT take a lot.

HC is a totally different animal.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 23, 2024, 11:07:56 AM
PoElements is actually quite a good option - i wouldnt label it as 'entry level' - with %aura effect and good watchers eye you replace one offensive aura with free jewel socket (stormshroud), boot suffix, boot implicit, freedom to use non-stygian belt, SEVERAL suffixes for res, and you get 50chaos res/phys taken as ele from Watchers

ive made builds where PoE turned out to be much better OFFENSIVE choice in the end than any of the 50% damage auras - just because of what it freed.

but back to spell suppress. sure, you can do build without it. but once you do build WITH it, you will notice things - as someone above said, GGG bumped spell damage to accommodate for spell suppression. in short - if you dont use it, you try to go upstream

and i do not know what defensive stuff you use but people with capped SS, Fortify, Determ and Grace fall left right and center in T17 if mobs look at them funny. T16 is baby content now, GGG will make sure that it is completely pointless to run and force everyone into T17. it kinda already is the case but people pretend T17 is a fluke

it is a deliberate, artificial content expansion that FORCES certain level of tankiness. SS happens to be the best one to pick and GGG expects you to use it. just like they expect ailment immunity, corr.blood prevention, stun management and all the other junk that you have to collect before you have a chance. it is all made so players get better and better gear - aka play longer. the suffix pressure on gear is already crazy high, esp attack based due to accuracy rolls you cannot skip.
Baharoth15 wrote:

GGG Employee 1: "Hey, let's give people a new defensive layer to play around with".

GGG Employe 2: "You sure? Won't they die less when we do that? Might cause them to quit a league a bit earlier".

GGG Employee 1: "Hm, yeah i guess you are right, then how about we just double all the monster damage to compensate? That way people who use the new layer will die just as much as before while everyone else will die even more!!! Win Win."


it do be like that sometimes.
Spell suppress could be reduced to 35-40% damage prevented but at the same time armor needs a solid buff. It used to be decent for two leagues (3.16 and 3.17) and then it became trainwreck again.

Almost nobody uses armor as an actual defense against physical damage. Players rather convert as much physical to elemental because elemental is much easier to mitigate. You need ungodly amounts of armor to mitigate powerful slam attacks like that big goat in T17 map. Basically an armor stacker build. This is not how it should be.
Spell suppression isn't mandatory but imagine having to go for these slowpoke 90 all res tanky builds instead ?

So spell suppression is good, or less costly, for builds working on more range, dps, and movement speed. often at the right side of the skilltree.

It's also a good opportunity if you play an attribute build.

Btw i think that precisely GGG specified that spell suppresion has been created to offer some protection solution to these squishy builds.
Last edited by Universalis on May 24, 2024, 2:26:16 PM

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