Make Spell Suppression less mandatory

Draegnarrr wrote:
Its not really combative when you try and summarise what i said with a "Nope!"

It isn't like those things aren't of some value but it really doesn't influence what I was talking about, it absolutely is disingenuous and you know better yourself :p

Nobody ever went spell suppression to reduce an ignite

When I see false information I correct it. Could happen to anyone, and there was the chance you didn't know this yourself. Misinformation spreads quickly in a game like PoE, you know?

If I stated any falsehoods please do let me know. :)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:


Lets not pretend that relevant DoTs = ignite/poison you can get immunity to both easily so acting like this is a dealbreaker is completely disingenuous

Whoa, why so combative? Dots are a big category and I merely added some extra info before some unfortunate reader thinks suppression doesn't work against any dots.

Nothing about that is disingenous. How would it be? You're being very unreasonable.

No dog in this fight but; Yea if you had said "well technically it does work on some DOT's" or the like I wouldn't feel compelled to reply but "Nope!"?

Just saying you could have put a LOT less "Achshually!" in your reply.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
ArtCrusade wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
Its not really combative when you try and summarise what i said with a "Nope!"

It isn't like those things aren't of some value but it really doesn't influence what I was talking about, it absolutely is disingenuous and you know better yourself :p

Nobody ever went spell suppression to reduce an ignite

When I see false information I correct it. Could happen to anyone, and there was the chance you didn't know this yourself. Misinformation spreads quickly in a game like PoE, you know?

If I stated any falsehoods please do let me know. :)

Come on man... its false to correct someone who said "DOT's" by saying "Nope!" and then saying "ailments" (Aka Ignite) as though thats the only or even most of the "DOT's".

I'm a simple man, I see someone who appears to have posted a brusk reply because they thought they had a "Got'cha". Who seemingly wont just admit they made a mistake and is doubling down, and I call it out.

You have no idea how many times I've switched ailments and DOT's around in my head as synonymous over the years. I'm guessing other people do it as well.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on May 22, 2024, 5:16:18 PM
The one time I don't post a paragraph about how I'm just adding some extra context and I get this response. Lesson learned, next time you get the essay. Thanks alhazred & Draegnarr, have a pleasant day!
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
I have to admit I didn't read the first few pages, so apologies if this is a repeat.

Mandatory for what exactly?

Nearly everything I have ever wanted to do in this game I do perfectly fine...without any SS. I don't do ubers, but considering ubers are designed for the top .1% of players, I would hardly call needing SS for them "mandatory for ALL".

Spell suppression is strong, perhaps imbalanced. But it most certainly is NOT mandatory for damn near all content being thrown at you.
probably has a lot to do with how much or little tolerance you have for the games propensity to spike you to death instantly.

I for example have quit entire leagues and gone away for months due to it, also I find defensive mechanics more interesting than damage mechanics, this probably has to do with the fact that dmg in POE is trivial to get if you choose a spell, while never being spiked to death instantly is nearly impossible pre-insane min/max levels and where it is possible always includes specific content avoidance as a prerequisite to it being possible.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Its not mandatory at all for the base game, even for uber content or sim 30 or super juiced stuff.

Maybe for HC because obvious reasons, but that mode has restrictions all over the place.

Sorry you think its mandatory.
Bump your post as many times as you want. Its not like the Devs are changing anything your way anyways.

Generic, "I'm uninstalling" thread only to come back and play the game when none of the changes they asked for were put in.
Spell Suppression isn't mandatory. I can't remember the last time I actually made a character that even used SS. Still manage to complete all the content the game has to offer, on multiple styles of skills, except uber bosses which I have no interest in.

if you believe it to be mandatory, it's likely you just don't understand the other mechanics well enough.

I'll be honest, I also still haven't even done any 4th vow / meta defense shift crap either that everyone says is "mandatory"......still not running into THAT many 1hko spikes or anything of the sort. And spike damage really only comes from specific map bosses or a heavily juiced t16 (which I would expect ahead of time) and basically nowhere else.

The game is way easier to prepare for than people dramatize it to just requires some thought and understanding which comes with experience. Don't expect everything to just work the first/fifth/tenth time you do it.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 23, 2024, 7:10:22 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Spell Suppression isn't mandatory. I can't remember the last time I actually made a character that even used SS. Still manage to complete all the content the game has to offer, on multiple styles of skills, except uber bosses which I have no interest in.

if you believe it to be mandatory, it's likely you just don't understand the other mechanics well enough.

I'll be honest, I also still haven't even done any 4th vow / meta defense shift crap either that everyone says is "mandatory"......still not running into THAT many 1hko spikes or anything of the sort. And spike damage really only comes from specific map bosses or a heavily juiced t16 (which I would expect ahead of time) and basically nowhere else.

The game is way easier to prepare for than people dramatize it to just requires some thought and understanding which comes with experience. Don't expect everything to just work the first/fifth/tenth time you do it.

Mandatory might be a slight exaggeration (although in hardcore it sure feels mandatory) on account of alternatives existing, but it depends on where you set the bar for how difficult the content you run has to be.

I.e. any build can run T16 builds on a budget. Can you say the same about juiced up, 8-modded maps? Can you run them safely?

Alternatives like Divine Flesh + Fourth Vow combo exist, but they require setup, are not available out of the box / SSF-friendly and put certain constraints on your build; in this example it'd be damage bypassing ES, limiting this option to life-based builds.

Spell suppression works on any build and is very easy to set up. Armour and Energy Shield bases don't have comparable defence mods on boots, gloves and helmet. Only body + shield can roll PDR and nowhere near enough to get you to the 50% damage reduction that capped spell suppression provides.

Imo the discussion shouldn't be about what to do with spell suppression, but how you can bring other archetype defences on level with it
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Spell Suppression isn't mandatory. I can't remember the last time I actually made a character that even used SS. Still manage to complete all the content the game has to offer, on multiple styles of skills, except uber bosses which I have no interest in.

if you believe it to be mandatory, it's likely you just don't understand the other mechanics well enough.

I'll be honest, I also still haven't even done any 4th vow / meta defense shift crap either that everyone says is "mandatory"......still not running into THAT many 1hko spikes or anything of the sort. And spike damage really only comes from specific map bosses or a heavily juiced t16 (which I would expect ahead of time) and basically nowhere else.

The game is way easier to prepare for than people dramatize it to just requires some thought and understanding which comes with experience. Don't expect everything to just work the first/fifth/tenth time you do it.

i think thats a fair statement tbh.

i do think SS is too strong, my fix would be simply reduce it to 40%. thats not catastrophic but its significant enough to take the edge off. its a 20% increase in the damage people take.

do they then nerf mobs spells by 20%? they could, and the reason i think they could is to stop the pitchfork brigade screaming path of nerfs sky is falling and making a big fking song and dance about it. lets not give those people yet another reason to start all that nonsense, so from that perspective yeah sure, say ur nerfing all spell damage to compensate.

i dont think they actually need to nerf it tho.

the characters i run ubers on have no spell suppression. ive done all ubers easily, had them on repeat deathless farm with no SS on the chars at all, just working from max res and hit points.

ss is too strong it should probably be taken down to 40% but i dont think its essential for anything. stuff like reasonably deep delving, the sort of depths where u still get hit and dont just speed rush checkpoints with avoidance, i think ss is just so strong its hard to really justify not using it there i guess. i think ArtCrusade is right too maybe not mandatory but its strong enough that it outweighs alternative methods too often. i see way too many str and int builds getting SS cap as standard.

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