Make Spell Suppression less mandatory

Lower the overall spell damage from mobs by 25% and make spell suppression negate 33% instead. That way the numbers for those that can utilize it stay the same, while making it less punishing for those that don't have easy access to it.

100 mob spell damage
50 after spell suppression

75 mob spell damage
50 after spell suppression

Right now having 100% spell suppression and only 50% resistances is as strong as no spell suppression and 75% resistances, against spell damage, which is just stupid.

And for someone to feel as strong as someone with 75% ele res and capped spell suppression, without getting spell suppression, you need to have 88% max ele res.
Last edited by Yarrmor on May 21, 2024, 9:41:20 AM
Last bumped on May 24, 2024, 2:25:43 PM
and then you go endgame and are facing spells with ele pen that make that 88% perform like 75% - aka you are dead despite investing significantly into max res

Spell Suppression is a failed concept - in a game with spells and dots being primary killers you introduce a mechanic that cuts their power in half (or more).

vs everything that matters spell suppression is twice as strong as Fortify, beats +max res due to existence of penetration on mobs and STRONGLY favours certain gearing options and build archetypes

and the best part - i wrote about it BEFORE patch that introduced it went live
The fact that you are less likely to die from an one shot with 100% spell suppression and 60% ele res, than 99% spell suppression and 75% ele res...

Ziz refuses to do bossing with 99% for that sole reason.
Yarrmor wrote:

Ziz refuses to do bossing with 99% for that sole reason.

Cause he has only balls to tackle important boss fights with overkill gear aka getting carried by power creep.

Aside that people do forget that most builds on the right side favor spell suppression but lack heavily in ways to mitigate physical dmg properly without big investments.
Same can be said for the left side having a better advantage in physical dmg mitigation while lacking magical mitigation without big investments.
Spell suppression is in fact not as bad as you think cause the right side of the tree would heavily suck without with evasion being the only defensive layer aside of es which is a big no go for most builds on the right side anyways.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
'right side' builds dont lack on any phys mitigation - lightning coil alone solves most of it. dawnbreaker, taste of hate, various 'taken as' - these tricks are available to all 'sides' equally. armour, esp armour passives on the left side of the tree noone gives a f.. about. if you want to rely on armour you need Determination(+levels)+%aura effect. that and maybe 2-3 accidental passives.

spell suppression on the other hand is conveniently and efficiently located in where it is located. and suppression fractures seem to be the most frequently used rare item affixes.

for a reason - suppression is numerically superior (and by a long shot) to other options

just check passive heatmap - there is a (good) reason why bottom-right part of the tree is a wasteland
Pashid wrote:
Yarrmor wrote:

Ziz refuses to do bossing with 99% for that sole reason.

Cause he has only balls to tackle important boss fights with overkill gear aka getting carried by power creep.

Aside that people do forget that most builds on the right side favor spell suppression but lack heavily in ways to mitigate physical dmg properly without big investments.
Same can be said for the left side having a better advantage in physical dmg mitigation while lacking magical mitigation without big investments.
Spell suppression is in fact not as bad as you think cause the right side of the tree would heavily suck without with evasion being the only defensive layer aside of es which is a big no go for most builds on the right side anyways.

Actually the easiest lowest opportunity cost way to mitigate phys damage is easily available to the right side of the tree and has really nice synergy, especially with PF.

Right side of the tree might arguably be the lowest cost tanky characters in the game right now, because they get easy avoidance (EV) easy phys mit and easy Spell suppression.

Lightning Coil, damage conversion in general, Exarch shield, Cloak of Flame, various mods are all in the current meta for most tanky builds, dmg shifting is way lower cost than AR and comes with easy suppression cap.

Arguably the most tanky character in the entire game for the lowest cost is a Necromancer that takes the north most Suppress wheel (so its kind of Right "adjacent") and wears hybrid gear with suppression. If you don't believe me go look at Ben's gauntlet winners some of which have BLUE ITEMS IN EVERY SLOT but have more EHP than my left side SSF Marauders ever get to with rares in every slot.

Bens blue item Phys mit? well a few AR+EV hbrid gear pieces Determ and a Granite flask.

If you want proof of this just look around HC, something close to 7 out of Ben's last 10 characters have a Lightning Coil on (just guessing at the actual number but I did actually click through his character list).

Personally I agree with the OP I am sick of needing Spell suppression on every tanky character. But more so I am sick of POE's Time til Death design. So without GGG actually getting that under control and a reduction in the games spike damage I will continue to have it on every character without question, even if they nerf it. The game still feels like shit often enough even with it.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on May 21, 2024, 6:30:58 PM
There's a number of reasons why PoE 2 is a separate game, and one of those is because PoE 1 is so borked now that it's irreparable without a massive amount of investment.

It reminds me of that old legacy piece of software in your business that is patched together to keep it running but one change causes 15 unexpected problems elsewhere, and if you breath on it too heavily it will likely burst into flames.

Right now my only hope is that PoE 2 is moderately successful so all the dumb ideas can go over there to die, but that it's not so successful that GGG abandon all development of PoE 1.

I'd really like to see PoE 1 get tidied up and go back to more of a simple version of itself. I'm realistic though, it's going to stay exactly as screwed up as it is right now with bad designs endemic. Looking at you Arch Nemesis 4.0 or whatever version we're up to now, plus the anaemic drops unless your juicing everything and playing party find.

I really miss the old PoE 1, it used to be fun!
Lightning Coil by itself provides 37,5% phys reduction. Good for one slot but it doesn't "solve" phys hits. Taste of Hate and Dawnbreaker can't be used effectively on many/most right side builds aka non PF bow builds. You shouldn't talk about "right side" builds when you are actually talking about Pathfinders.

Everyone and their mother using Coil on their ranger builds can be taken as an indication of how good it is but it also proves what pashid said, right side struggles with phys damage, they have no other options to deal with it aside from Coil/Cloak most of the time so everyone is forced to use it.

Nevermind the fact that a 75% res 100% suppress Lightning coil build instantly eats dirt the moment attack mobs with gain phys as ele mods come around the corner.
thats what Blind/%effect is for. it is EXTREMELY potent evasion multiplier, good enough to warrant sub 40% chance to hit for mobs (1 in 3 hits for me is the threshold when evasion 'does its job') with just Coil and few hybrid pieces + defiance banner (no Grace needed). EV on all gear is expected due to EV mastery.

also Purity of Lightning (for max res AND 10% conversion from Watchers Eye) is a great investment - you can get shock immune/conversion Watchers + 3rd good mod for not that much, easy 82+ max lightning res, 60% conversion and 1-2 free res suffixes on gear

all my Coil builds used PoL and while it might seem wasteful, it was always a bargain in the long run
Great if that works for you but personally i'd never use evasion/blind as my sole defensive layer against something unless my build leaves me with literally no other choice i.e. LA Deadeye. I am just not a big fan of avoidance mechanics in general.

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