3.24.2 Hotfix 6

aaaaaaaaand the trolls get trolled. Absolutely beautiful. Anyone who spent 300div+ on a 6-link squire just lost big money.
If your uncle Jack helps you off an Elephant, would you help your uncle Jack off an Elephant?
This game has become a joke. They have literally thrown is the towel and given up to focus on poe2. It’s a shame cause poe2 is a ways out and they are just losing tons of players. They won’t fix things that we need fixed but stuff like this they fix asap, makes no sense at all. T17s are a mess, loot drop percentages and loot locations this league are terrible. I try to make myself believe next league will be better but I doubt it. They started patching things during the league and took any good ways to make currency away. What happen to Wilson? [Removed by Support]
Last edited by CoryA_GGG on May 7, 2024, 2:58:52 PM
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

level 36 in league has opinion on it :)
ahahahah , those who played honestly are losers , ccriiiinge
6c bug noticed, we will fix it -15% total online
We removed sockets - 10% total online
some items still exist
GGG is it ROFL?
Im not developer, but
1 step lets check better all content before start, step 2 fix some little bugs step 3 improve some rewards
People happy, but
1 step dont check all content, step 2 we have feedback, logs, but dont see abuses during weeks 3 we improved some useless rewards and totally rerfed some content

6c bug noticed, we will fix it -15% total online
We removed sockets - 10% total online
some items still exist
GGG is it ROFL?
Im not developer, but
1 step lets check better all content before start, step 2 fix some little bugs step 3 improve some rewards
People happy, but
1 step dont check all content, step 2 we have feedback, logs, but dont see abuses during weeks 3 we improved some useless rewards and totally rerfed some content

Those don't exist the very moment they leave the zone or they logout basically the items revert there sockets.

How these works is they just have a giant data system there's no hiding it lmao with the exception of that standard chest.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
xEnyCe30 wrote:
This game has become a joke. They have literally thrown is the towel and given up to focus on poe2. It’s a shame cause poe2 is a ways out and they are just losing tons of players. They won’t fix things that we need fixed but stuff like this they fix asap, makes no sense at all. T17s are a mess, loot drop percentages and loot locations this league are terrible. I try to make myself believe next league will be better but I doubt it. They started patching things during the league and took any good ways to make currency away. What happen to Wilson? Why are these other idiots making all the decisions?

Funny, I'd be on probation by now had I said only 10% of that. Inb4 my comment is being deleted again. BOOOHOOO
xEnyCe30 wrote:
This game has become a joke. They have literally thrown is the towel and given up to focus on poe2. It’s a shame cause poe2 is a ways out and they are just losing tons of players. They won’t fix things that we need fixed but stuff like this they fix asap, makes no sense at all. T17s are a mess, loot drop percentages and loot locations this league are terrible. I try to make myself believe next league will be better but I doubt it. They started patching things during the league and took any good ways to make currency away. What happen to Wilson? Why are these other idiots making all the decisions?

Get rekt, dont cheat.
W GGG keep it up
i am shoking of coments you are wrighting.

you people,spending so much time,to folow some one buisnes,for no reasone,couse what i see those things does not affect you at all,For me,i have few hours to play whis game,and i spend it to PLAY
I steel play whis game couse i love it, i always found some way to get fun and play until i get tired

I have seen it's few videos on youtobe with this broken items,and that just made me smiling.
Wow u people are so rood and borring,want to block or ban everyone who just had some fun doing unusual things and again unaffected u people
And in other hand you still complaining,about free game,which doing revipes every 4 month,trying their best keeping one project and making new one.
madnes and borring,instead of understending and patiens.

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