T17 maps are making me want to quit the game

My comparison is running 120+ quant t16 maps in std with extreme archaeology and the +2 pre and suf expe scarab getting popcorn only, in comparison to previous leagues std where I would average about 1/3 to 1/2 of a div doing extreme archaeology in currency drops. Furthermore they have catastrophically reduced the appearance rate of stacked decks and nerfed delirium farming in general, all of the rewards that used to provide multiple div cards now produce a single stacked deck only and the scarab delirium reward which used to drop several scarabs per, now drops only one. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence is unreliable but under normal circumstances I see an average of 4 raw div drops by the time I get to 4 voidstones and I saw a grand total of 1 raw div drop doing the same this league, it was from a lantern conversion mob and I took 2x as long as previous leagues to get my last voidstone because influenced maps almost didn't drop and I had no currency to buy any with.
stacked deck drops are no different between t16 and t17 maps, so I dont see how your complaint has any bearing on t17 maps

I got tons of raw div drops so yea indeed your evidence is "gut feeling"
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
I got tons of raw div drops so yea indeed your evidence is "gut feeling"

So is yours :P

I've had no problems making bank this league. I could link you a couple of mirrors and pretty decent stacks of divines and chaos. But raw divine drops? I would cut of a finger if everyone at GGG came out and said "raw divine drops in T1 to T16 maps have not been changed this league", because to me, it's been glaringly obvious.

Do I mind? Not really.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on Jun 2, 2024, 7:56:28 AM

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