Hot take: Necropolis League is actually GREAT...

ArtCrusade wrote:
I don't have to say anything, you just have to engage with what Waitubold said since I already said I agree with what he said, and surely you cannot say that I haven't played enough to know what I am talking about. :)

Look, your bias isn't helping. You always defend the game, no matter what. You jumping in the line of fire to take the bullets aimed for others are just... well, let's just say your superhero landing might end up a bit flat this time.
ArtCrusade wrote:
I don't have to say anything, you just have to engage with what Waitubold said since I already said I agree with what he said, and surely you cannot say that I haven't played enough to know what I am talking about. :)

Look, your bias isn't helping. You always defend the game, no matter what. You jumping in the line of fire to take the bullets aimed for others are just... well, let's just say your superhero landing might end up a bit flat this time.

Helping what? And why? All I did was call out someone arguing in a highly disingenous way. You are also only attacking the person, not the argument.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Helping what? And why? All I did was call out someone arguing in a highly disingenous way. You are also only attacking the person, not the argument.

While your intentions might be to call out disingenuous behaviour, your own biases could affect how you perceive the situation. Regarding calling my post a personal attack, let's not pretend we're delicate porcelain dolls.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Helping what? And why? All I did was call out someone arguing in a highly disingenous way. You are also only attacking the person, not the argument.

While your intentions might be to call out disingenuous behaviour, your own biases could affect how you perceive the situation. Regarding calling my post a personal attack, let's not pretend we're delicate porcelain dolls.

Your response is very tacky. Sorry that I am 90% happy with the state of the game and changes being made, but there's plenty to go around that I criticize and want changed. That's why I say: engage with the argument, not the person. Right now all you do is move the discussion away from the actual topic to your personal bias towards me (which is ironic)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Fighting forum admins to have the last word KEKW - the league is totally a waste of time for every player and everyone thats is tryin to defend this state of the game is purely a person looking like Undertaker XDD here on the left.

Just take 5 min of your time and listen to streamers and hear that drop tone in their voice when they talk about this league.
We should not seek to use this power to change those around us, no... This power is a means for us to change ourselves. To be reborn as Wraeclast intends us to be. - The Slaying of the Gods //Oshabi//
Last edited by CarpeDiem444 on Apr 21, 2024, 8:51:11 AM
CarpeDiem444 wrote:
Fighting forum admins to have the last word KEKW - the league is totally a waste of time for every player and everyone thats is tryin to defend this state of the game is purely a person looking like Undertaker XDD here on the left.

Just take 5 min of your time and listen to streamers and hear that drop tone in their voice when they talk about this league.

I prefer trying things for myself instead of copying some streamer's opinion about the game. You know, like a normal person.

Just made this helmet in HCSSF with the Graveyard and gathering the material for that took me just 1 day of farming.

I think it's a great league for people like me who love tinkering in PoB and who get into the finer details of crafting. I have expressed this before and said that GGG needs to also include more casual players (such as yourself quite obviously) so you don't have to feel so defensive about not liking the current season.

But can you stop with the fingerpointing at others? If you have something real to say, go say it. I am tired of the "u just defend the gam becuz u luvz GGG" argument.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Apr 21, 2024, 10:16:44 AM
ArtCrusade wrote:

I think it's a great league for people like me who love tinkering in PoB and who get into the finer details of crafting.

+1, for me tho best thing is t17, finally something with a little bit of difficulty.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
hoho I can see it being good in SSF.
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xPiranha wrote:
hoho I can see it being good in SSF.

Oh it is. Normally I have to keep running Essence + Harvest going all the time, hoping for some half-decent fractured base to get some decent items. This season I can methodically plan out what gear I want in which slot and run fun atlas strategies. Big win for me!
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Your response is very tacky. Sorry that I am 90% happy with the state of the game and changes being made, but there's plenty to go around that I criticize and want changed. That's why I say: engage with the argument, not the person. Right now all you do is move the discussion away from the actual topic to your personal bias towards me (which is ironic)

Addressing these issues are important for the overall conversation, so don't blame me for going off-topic when you are using your own playtime to validate random arguments from those with little playtime when criticized, essentially providing cover for them, contradicting your own stance on engaging with the argument and not the person.

As for the league itself, it seems more focused on pushing stash tab sales than providing enjoyment.

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