GGG Support unresponsive

I understand) for the first time in 4k hours I have problems with them. I haven't been disbanded yet. Dont wana play this game any more.
Sp3kR wrote:
I understand) for the first time in 4k hours I have problems with them. I haven't been disbanded yet. Dont wana play this game any more.

Yes, the game is good, but you need to rely on luck to never have to deal with 'support'
My account is locked and I responded to an agent on Friday with the reqired information to unlock my account.

Since that response there has not been any reply or assistance in unlocking my account.

I suppose the easiest thing would be to request a refund for all funds purchased on account and I can open another one.
goblinlove wrote:
My account is locked and I responded to an agent on Friday with the reqired information to unlock my account.

Since that response there has not been any reply or assistance in unlocking my account.

I suppose the easiest thing would be to request a refund for all funds purchased on account and I can open another one.

From my experience, it's taking an average of 4 days for them to respond. Don't send new emails until they respond, because this will make you go back to the back of the queue and wait longer. The biggest problem, at least in my case, isn't even the waiting, it's how the answers were given.
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for you patience while we're working to respond to you all. We've still got a substantial backlog of requests to respond to, so you should expect further delays for the time being. Please do rest assured that we will respond as quickly as we are able to. :)

A couple of things to note to help reduce any back and forth:
  • Include both your account name and a couple of character names in your request.
  • Contact us from the email address associated with your account if possible.
  • Please avoid sending in duplicate requests as this just slows things down for everyone.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
Dear GGG representative, before banning people left and right, you need to understand the situation. You ban people for no reason and then say that there are a lot of requests. Learn to respect those who pay your salary. We are ordinary players who support you. And you don't care.
Sp3kR wrote:
Dear GGG representative, before banning people left and right, you need to understand the situation. You ban people for no reason and then say that there are a lot of requests. Learn to respect those who pay your salary. We are ordinary players who support you. And you don't care.

true, but this comment will be deleted soon haha
If GGG would truly value their customers they would invest in the service department.
It is clearly shown here that GGG does not value us.

I will think about if i will be spending any more money here. Probably not.
Same Issue here sended an email to support.. No response in 3 days now bought supporter packs and stuff on my account that i cant use atm. And GGG dont respond to anything..... Yet

If u are a custumor somwhere where u spend money and dont get a reply in 3 days u would get sad to GGG so pleasse contact us with anything to help us.

Hope i can play affliction ASAP!!!

Dear GGG
I expect a compensation for your lack of service and the ruined league start!
Please respond what you plan to do in this regard.

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