GGG Support unresponsive

Because of a change of my ip adress the game client locked my account and i can not receive the unlock emails.
For some reasons i received one autoreply email from your support but cant receive the account unlock emails.
I have checked everything in my webmail account and cant find the problem.
So i requested an emailchange via the account dashboard that was 4 hours ago.

I have sent several mails to regarding this problem.
I provided information that makes 100% clear that i am the owner if the account.

Where is the fucking problem? Why can you not simply unlock my account?
You let me log in and enter the shop and spend money. Thats ok, but not the game on launch day!

I`m really mad right now. League launch for me and my friends is alwasy special and now its ruined.
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2023, 5:07:38 PM
Hi there,

I am very sorry to hear that! Our team are currently experiencing a large volume of requests at this time though if you have contacted us at regarding this, we will respond as soon as we are able! I apologise for any inconvenience in the meantime.
My request is still pending and i´m still unable to play the game.
I still wait for my email to be changed. I cant log in.
Still no help. After i spend more then a thousand dollars ob this account this is just shameful GGG !
Please tell me at least when i can expect my email to be changed!
I sit here wasting my weekend waiting.
Latscho wrote:
Please tell me at least when i can expect my email to be changed!
I sit here wasting my weekend waiting.

I have a similar problem, I've been trying to solve it for 7 days without being able to play. They just don't care.
You are not alone, I have been waiting for about a week now also. Sucks not being able to play, but don't wait around for it. Since they don't seem to be overly quick with their recovery system.

It is frustrating watching others play while you cannot. I had my isp change, and isp dropped my email account instantly. So I had no chance to switch, since the different IP flagged my account and locked it. But sent email to closed down email.

I imagine the list of support issues is rather large with start of a new league.

It doesn't matter if you've been waiting for 1 month, without any feedback, or how much money you've lost... just keep smiling and waiting. Don't be negative, or even what you post here will be deleted. I'm just giving you a tip, okay? I'm not being negative. I'm very smiling now.

Kind regards

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