Transfigured Gems Part 3

I dislike removing basic functions from skill gems and making them transfigured gems. Why do we need these special gems to play a mediocre frostbolt/ice nova build? Some of these are just huge buffs and others seem like almost nerfs since you could have an insane enchant and have a sick alt quality gem previously. Now you have to hope/calculate if the transfigure gem you're using is better than an enchant plus alt quality.
Last edited by jrv209 on Dec 6, 2023, 5:26:54 PM
Ball Lightning of Static when :'(
I honestly dont understand why soulrend only got a 0.1 duration buff for chaos dot. This is literally what we were lacking... but the number is extremely low, we needed at least 1 second. If it was 1 second then all investments in duration would be worth. Now its the exact problem as before.

Also projectiles in a spiral? Thats cool, but single target wise... having 2 projectiles that move forward hitting 1 target at the same time was better. You could tech chance to gain frenzy charges on hit and you were hitting twice with proper positioning. I dont get why would you guys remove that... unless the spiral of projectiles can hit a single target with all 5 of those projectiles ( and I doubt it).

Also my actual biggest issue here is... 60+ mana cost. WHAT? The skill suddenly became unplayable. No one is sustaining that mana, we already had issues with 26.

There is no shot you leave the skill in this state. I had hopes for good changes but this is a fat nerf for a skill thats not even defaulted into chaos dot archetype.

Besides that, I really like the new spectral shield throw. Trickster is going to shine with it. However you can't cheese out emperor's vigilance so thats that. And hatred is arguably the best aura for this skill and you cant use it properly. Kinda weird, but at least it is indeed an alternative scaling option.
Last edited by Voidbreaker1 on Dec 6, 2023, 5:26:26 PM
Do Tinctures apply to unarmed attacks, shield crush, and spectral shield throw?
Where is the Transfigured RF ?
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Do Tinctures apply to unarmed attacks, shield crush, and spectral shield throw?

Last edited by Timothy_GGG on Dec 6, 2023, 5:29:57 PM
Please add:

Heavy Strike of Reverse Knockback

Seismic Cry of Vacuuming

There are a lot of better summons than golems without buffs
rf where

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