Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

3XE wrote:

I only see a very small minority of people, who clearly do not understand the game, that are acting like their entire world just collapsed.

You've been playing POE for 11+ years and have 0 level 100 characters. I find it ironic you are calling others out for their supposed lack of understanding of the game with stats like that. It makes me unable to take you seriously as a player when you double down with insults on others despite your own lack of achievements.

If you aren't a standard player you arent affected greatly by these changes.
If you are a standard player you just got hundreds of hours and currency yoinked in a way that has never been done in the history of POE and takes a massive dump on the time people invested in their characters. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time developing your own characters you would appreciate this perspective. This is a game of progression. When the staff just pulls that progression out from under us with no corresponding compensation for that time we spent, how should we respond? By definition standard is NOT a temporary progression league, but lately GGG has treated it as such as they careen into POE2.

This change breaks numerous standard builds. This breaks the progression many players have put in the time and effort to achieve, which you know is difficult, because you have yet to achieve it despite your unrivalled knowledge and skill at POE.

So please, dont be dismissive of the concerns of those who are negatively affected by changes that have no impact on you.
Ruddski wrote:

Then dont play SSF, skip the league, or do without transfigured gems.

Don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you where to go.
Forcing such way to play ugly content to get new core league things (tans-gems) -- that what I was talking about.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by ShaunB_GGG on Dec 2, 2023, 10:25:38 PM
I wish there was a way to "like" posts... this post here sums it up.
Jhiroth wrote:
3XE wrote:

I only see a very small minority of people, who clearly do not understand the game, that are acting like their entire world just collapsed.

You've been playing POE for 11+ years and have 0 level 100 characters. I find it ironic you are calling others out for their supposed lack of understanding of the game with stats like that. It makes me unable to take you seriously as a player when you double down with insults on others despite your own lack of achievements.

If you aren't a standard player you arent affected greatly by these changes.
If you are a standard player you just got hundreds of hours and currency yoinked in a way that has never been done in the history of POE and takes a massive dump on the time people invested in their characters. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time developing your own characters you would appreciate this perspective. This is a game of progression. When the staff just pulls that progression out from under us with no corresponding compensation for that time we spent, how should we respond? By definition standard is NOT a temporary progression league, but lately GGG has treated it as such as they careen into POE2.

This change breaks numerous standard builds. This breaks the progression many players have put in the time and effort to achieve, which you know is difficult, because you have yet to achieve it despite your unrivalled knowledge and skill at POE.

So please, dont be dismissive of the concerns of those who are negatively affected by changes that have no impact on you.

Well, first off who gives a shit if he has any level 100 characters or not? Not everyone follows the meta as a cheap way to get to level 100 for bragging rights. Don't be a gatekeeper.
As for players getting shafted by changes, welcome to POE. GGG has done this stuff plenty of times- ask anyone who played COC with Mjolner back when it was the shit back in the day how they felt when 2.0 and 2.4 rolled around and "ruined everything." Yeah it sucks, but sometimes you just have to move on to the next big thing.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
Never use my main is a higher level as an attack...

Hell I've never got a 100 and no interest in it, but I think I've done all the content, a few builds are getting nuked, good.

Make a new build plan and try some new things, or wait for someone to do the work for you and play that, new meta was due and I am glad it's here.

Well.. except for bows...

Still waiting on info for the "alternate" gems to make a few fun 80-90s and dump it when I burn out.
Evolve or die. Thanks for taking things to the next level, GGG, it's going to make things much better.

I didn't really mesh with Metamorph and I am thus not sad to see it go. I also didn't really like Ritual because it had me seek it out in multiple locations to fully unlock the rewards and get loot. Ultimatum is looking like it's going to be fantastic, and I'm excited because I didn't get to experience it the first time.

The changes to the skills are definitely going to be welcome, and I'm looking forward to seeing how I'll be able to use them. I feel sad for all the Wiki editors, however, having to update all the entries.

And I'm hoping Tota will come back better than ever in the future. For now, I'm just going to enjoy the upcoming season. Now that I've gotten 2 seasons under my belt, I think I'll be able to do a lot better this time. I know the things I enjoy, the things that reduce my excitement, and the things that I'm good at. All of which are pretty mutually exclusive.

Thanks for the amazing game GGG. Looking forward to throwing some more money at you to keep things rolling.

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