Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

The Metamorph Stash Tab has been converted to an Ultimatum Stash Tab, which can hold 5000 of each type of Catalyst and 60 Inscribed Ultimatums.

Wat?? You're deleting my stash tab that has 250 slots for non stackable items and giving me one with 60 slots? I feel scammed..
Thanks for killing vortex!
I never liked him anyway!
Continue to break the game, we believe in you, you can handle it!
I actually think that the changes to Vortex are healthy in terms of cast time. Maybe it is seen as an actual skill now and not as an automatic leftover. I do wonder about the damage nerf though.
I also think that the transfigured version might be with an instant cast time.
groink19 wrote:
I actually think that the changes to Vortex are healthy in terms of cast time. Maybe it is seen as an actual skill now and not as an automatic leftover. I do wonder about the damage nerf though.
I also think that the transfigured version might be with an instant cast time.

It sucks that it and Ice Nova can't be cast on Frostbolt anymore, but Vortex now just works like it used to.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
groink19 wrote:
I actually think that the changes to Vortex are healthy in terms of cast time. Maybe it is seen as an actual skill now and not as an automatic leftover. I do wonder about the damage nerf though.
I also think that the transfigured version might be with an instant cast time.

I will be happy to see how many users will be interested in it in this form. And Something tells me that it’s approximately around zero.
Taking away a habitual skill from the players and offering what is possible, they will have the opportunity to fix it with the help of transfiguration, and return everything to the way it was, is a uniquely stupid path that creates the illusion of activity and the absence of any progress. And no one has yet said that such an opportunity will exist. So far I see another skill sent to the dusty closet among the golem stones with minions and others.
So when are you going to fix this typo?

Freezing Pulse:
No longer has 0-19% increased Projectile Speed.
everything ok but still cant understand Lab Divine Font
in the reveal shows roman numerals

so, the confusing part is
Transfigured Gems have tiers? I, II, III, upgrades

you need to grind gems tier I till lvl 20, then tier II till lvl 20 tier III etc etc
TizeNO wrote:
3XE wrote:
TizeNO wrote:
Righteous Fire "No longer Deals 39-2447.9 base Fire Damage per Second. Now deals 70% of your Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second (both previously 35%)."

Lmao so you get back that dmg with 12k life or shield which is kinda ok, but if you played RF you know that RF dealt dmg because you had lvl 27 skill gem, with which RF dealt 7167.2 base dmg hahaha
I expected nerf and was ready for it, even big one but this is like insane nerf :) You now effectively lost like80% dmg.
Anyone know how we could replace this to have decent clear speed now, is flame dash now viable to replace with something i highly doubt it but maybe?

Not idea if you are trolling?

70% of 12.000 is 8400.

With 5k Life you get 3500 fire damage, so that's around 21% more damage than before. (2447)

Time to get back to elementary school to learn basic math?

"No longer Deals 39-2447.9 base Fire Damage per Second. Now deals 70% of your Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second (both previously 35%)."

Haha nice elementary school teachings you had. Buff isn't 70% but 35%. In other words 35% to 70% that is 35% get it, how dumb can you even be? You need 20,477 hp actually, gl getting that.
Its not that hard just use brain and do this 7167.2 / 0.35 = 20,477. I just hope your elementary school teachings can carry you.

"Now deals 70% of your Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Base Fire Damage per second (both previously 35%)"
Øvè®þðwé® Øvê®®ûn Øvè®çðmé
Yet another RF post. But I wanted to provide some real numbers on a real character, mine.

You can import that into POB and see just how huge the nerf is going to be.

Base fire damage is 10,881. With the new gem, my base damage will go down to 3102.

Current Gem=10,881
New Gem-3,102

Now my character already was low DPS, but it was sufficient to handle all juiced T16, because I built it around explosions and AoE, it also never dies (mostly because of defiance amu and physical taken as an element) I built it that way. However, the damage with the new gem proposal for this build would simply not be able handle anything more than a basic T16 map and will be very slow at killing the map boss.

Keep in mind that even if I changed my build to stack life, that is going to take away from damage nodes, AoE nodes and the like. Meaning, trying to build my base damage back up, is going to cause the damage multipliers to drop. So sure, you now have more base damage, but less smaller multiplier values.

All of that said, I am well aware that I will have to build a character differently if I want to do RF, but at this point, I don't see the Maurader class as being able to take advantage of this gem change. I am certainly open to some theory crafting from others, but I am skeptical as whether RF will even be 1/2 as effective for the Marauder bases class.

I suppose with the new ascendancies, it is possible someone will come up with something, but I don't see anyone surpassing CaptainLance9 build that he did a few leagues ago with Scion and TBH, I don't want to play with coruscating elixir and Ivory Tower or any class on the right side of the tree. Personal preference, of course.

*HOPING* that GGG will reconsider this and if they haven't already provided an alternate method via transmogrify, that they would implement it before this league goes live.
TizeNO wrote:
3XE wrote:

Not idea if you are trolling?

70% of 12.000 is 8400.

With 5k Life you get 3500 fire damage, so that's around 21% more damage than before. (2447)

Time to get back to elementary school to learn basic math?

7167.2 is a level 28 RF, not level 27, so level 21 gem, +2 from amulet, +2 from scepter, +2 from empower, +1 from shield; very achievable on a moderate (10-20 div) budget. You could get a few more levels, but it starts getting a lot more expensive for just a little bit more damage; you might get a few hundred thousand more DPS where a lot of other builds would get tens or even hundreds of millions of DPS on the same investment.

That's only the gem level damage though, it's not counting the additional 35% of life and ES, which at 5k life (a typical amount) would be another 1750 base damage, bringing the total to 8917.2 base damage. That 5k life RF player will now need 12,739 life just to get their clearing skill to do the same amount of damage, all the while their single target gains nothing from that extra life and still requires investing in gem levels.

If the RF player instead had 8k life (a well above average amount), it'd instead provide an additional 2800 base damage, for a total of 9967.2 base damage. That 8k life RF player will now need 14,239 life to get their clearing skill to do the same amount of damage, and again their single target gains nothing from that type of scaling.

Realistically, someone playing RF and doing gem scaling and still managing 8k life is already doing a higher investment build and would probably have already gotten their RF to level 30 (or higher) rather than level 28, so that means an extra 2,163.4 base damage, bringing the total up to 12,130.6 base damage (for a level 30 RF with 8k life). To achieve the same damage with the change to RF, that same RF player will now need 17,329 life, and it's again worth repeating, all that life investment does nothing for their single target, it just gets their clearing skill up to where it can comfortably clear the trash.

Yea that guy bragging about math can't even use one brain cell to know that you need to do 7167.2/0,35 not 0,70 because buff was 0,35 not 0,7.

RF was having problems clearing even before that insane nerf, especially delirium. But now its totally dead skill. Its ok maybe early and mid game when the damage stays on some levels like before but after calculating +skill levels in late game its beyond trashed.
I was actually 100% sure and expected Fire Trap nerf because Fire Trap carried RF build. Balance changes on GGG sometimes makes no sense. But whatever i just hate how people respond with stupid answers and still attack you just because they think you cry about "your" build. I actually don't even care about RF i just stated something that makes zero sense.

It's 70% now.
That was exactly the whole point of my post. 70% of both HP and ES. So now with scaling both HP and ES and using normal damage scaling (not just gem levels) you can get more damage.

It's clear as day and night that GGG doesn't want people to focus on only rising the gem level to 30 or w/e you guys were doing, but to focus on other ways of scaling damage.

Not to mention that the Transfigured gem will probably be a lot stronger than old RF.

So yeah good job talking all that crap about "single brain cell" when it's you people displaying features of such a way of thinking. :)

Imagine being mad about one, singular way of doing a RF build when there are hundreds if not thousands of builds, and many ways of scaling damage.

It just shows that you people are bad players, who do not understand how the game works, that's why you get so fixated on one singular thing.

If the game is too complicated to make a different build or learn different ways of scaling damage maybe it's not a game for you?
Øvè®þðwé® Øvê®®ûn Øvè®çðmé

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