time for 20% death penalty

auspexa wrote:

Now some bozos will come along and say "pLaY hC tHeN", but nah. Not happening until GGG fixes EU realms.

The EU server are fine, you can thank your terrible Internet providers for their "great" routing. It's a known issue across many games and not just PoE
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 27, 2023, 10:52:31 AM
Pashid wrote:
auspexa wrote:

Now some bozos will come along and say "pLaY hC tHeN", but nah. Not happening until GGG fixes EU realms.

The EU server are fine, you can thank your terrible Internet providers for their "great" routing. It's a known issue across many games and not just PoE
Currently I dont have issues but sometimes some or most EU servers get bad. My guess is server overload. (Its possible that its an indirect symptom of the routing thing caused by migration of players.) But if some instances are bad and others good its an instance=server thing and not a routing thing.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur on Sep 27, 2023, 11:53:22 AM
auspexa wrote:
Old Wrath of the Cosmos was too rewarding for zhp playstyle, so they reworked it. Now all we need is a keystone on the atlas that limits the number of portals to 1, and punishes deaths more severely, but makes maps more rewarding.

This doesn't have to be exclusive to maps, I'd love to run simulacrum and invitations with a single portal but get more rewards. Heck, make it so that you can't unallocate it for some duration after you allocate it, so it won't be abusable by zhp monkeys.

Now some bozos will come along and say "pLaY hC tHeN", but nah. Not happening until GGG fixes EU realms.

One chance doesn't really do enough IMO.

You get one chance in Heist and that changes nothing about how people play.

Some of this stuff is just too far gone. The defensive changes have made it so that building a rounded character is about the best you can do and you'll be sacrificing up half your DPS potential for it.

Before all the Block, Dodge, Flat DR changes it wasn't too difficult to build into 800k eHP. Now you have to push to break 100k. The investment value of Offense Vs Defense is a complete joke.

I recall in Ultimatum I made the tankest build I'd ever made cuz the objective was fight in a circle and don't die. The build was a modest 5mil DPS but I had 1.4mil Physical and 850k Elemental eHP. Recovery was also massive having 75/74% Block without Glancing Blows and 26% Dodge.

Best part was I ran no defensive Auras. They've crunched our defenses so hard the investment cost is only worth "a chance to not die instantly" and little more.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Glass cannons doesn’t care about experience, they play not for lvl 100, but for maximum profit. One-shotting an Uberboss is more profitable than fighting him for at least a minute.
In order to deprive PoE of the concept of Glass Cannon, it is necessary to add UNMISSABLE stages to each boss, such as Exarch's balls or Inescapable Doom Iter, without completing which you will not get the second stage. Half of reddit will be whining that their time is being stolen. But glass cannon will be forced to set up defenses in order to pass such tests. Normal builds will not suffer from this (unlike the 20% penalty).
As for mapping on the glass cannon, you can add an effect like Corrupted Blood, but which will not have such fatal damage for a normal build, and there will be no way to get immunity to it. Or a new type of monsters like Vaal Merchant, which hide in the shadows and use Flicker Strike when the player approaches (that is, they cannot be killed offscreen).
my hideouts - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3228515
Or you just give bosses a hitscan attack (using fps term here) for once :p

Almost all of the mob types that had an instant hit attack were removed over time because we used to get one tapped when we ran into them on HC but almost all bosses in PoE don't have a single attack you can't manually dodge.

That fact is exacerbated then by the glass cannon style, where the # of attacks you have to manually dodge is drastically reduced the more dps you do

I do like the idea of a 1 portal for extra loot keystone but they would get an unbelievable amount of hate for it from people complaining its mandatory and elitist tbh.

Incidentally I don't think very high investment glass cannon is a problem, its an aspirational goal for players to reach this stage and that is a major driver for player satisfaction and retention. The issue is in low investment glass cannon where its just superior to make a 5div cannon and 6 portal through everything than actually develop a character properly.
One big issue with glass cannon vs boss is simply that the player is guaranteed to strike first. This is inherently wrong and could easily be fixed. And bosses unfortunately are designed to be beaten by mechanical skill alone. This also plays right into glass cannon builds. If it would be more realistic bosses would have moves that are inescapable. Players also get such moves. I can fill the whole arena with caustic ground for example.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Xzorn wrote:
auspexa wrote:
Old Wrath of the Cosmos was too rewarding for zhp playstyle, so they reworked it. Now all we need is a keystone on the atlas that limits the number of portals to 1, and punishes deaths more severely, but makes maps more rewarding.

This doesn't have to be exclusive to maps, I'd love to run simulacrum and invitations with a single portal but get more rewards. Heck, make it so that you can't unallocate it for some duration after you allocate it, so it won't be abusable by zhp monkeys.

Now some bozos will come along and say "pLaY hC tHeN", but nah. Not happening until GGG fixes EU realms.

One chance doesn't really do enough IMO.

You get one chance in Heist and that changes nothing about how people play.

Some of this stuff is just too far gone. The defensive changes have made it so that building a rounded character is about the best you can do and you'll be sacrificing up half your DPS potential for it.

Before all the Block, Dodge, Flat DR changes it wasn't too difficult to build into 800k eHP. Now you have to push to break 100k. The investment value of Offense Vs Defense is a complete joke.

I recall in Ultimatum I made the tankest build I'd ever made cuz the objective was fight in a circle and don't die. The build was a modest 5mil DPS but I had 1.4mil Physical and 850k Elemental eHP. Recovery was also massive having 75/74% Block without Glancing Blows and 26% Dodge.

Best part was I ran no defensive Auras. They've crunched our defenses so hard the investment cost is only worth "a chance to not die instantly" and little more.

Because Heist is too easy and you can't really juice it, thus it's almost impossible to die inside.

Pashid wrote:
auspexa wrote:

Now some bozos will come along and say "pLaY hC tHeN", but nah. Not happening until GGG fixes EU realms.

The EU server are fine, you can thank your terrible Internet providers for their "great" routing. It's a known issue across many games and not just PoE

Could be, but I'm not having any issues in any other game. One day I have 40 ping on Frankfurt, the next day it's 340 out of nowhere, while speedtest gives me 40 ping still.
auspexa wrote:

Could be, but I'm not having any issues in any other game. One day I have 40 ping on Frankfurt, the next day it's 340 out of nowhere, while speedtest gives me 40 ping still.

Oh, I have issues with Frankfurt too, so I avoid it like fire, always connect to Milan or Amsterdam
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
I'm fine with 10%.

I think losing something makes it feel better to build defences, but I would not want it to be higher than 10%.
yeah, how do you punish players without them feeling punished or being discouraged to go on.
in this regard, a 20% penalty would be hard, i rather like the ruthless implementation of bosses recovering health if you fuck up the fight.

but back to the xp penalty: players are levelling to 100 easily in safe groups doing legion runs or whatever.
this needs fixing cause there should be only one: safe xp or great rewards. why do players get massive xp and items for their solely purpose of buffing the one who deals damage without taking any risks?

auspexa wrote:
One day I have 40 ping on Frankfurt, the next day it's 340 out of nowhere, while speedtest gives me 40 ping still.

if you lag, download tcpview from microsoft, get the ip address of the instance your pathofexile.exe is connected to and do a winmtr test against that adress.

even then it's not guaranteed that your test data packets take the same route through the internet as your gaming data but it's better than speed testing a route to a totally different server in the first place.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on Sep 29, 2023, 1:44:24 AM

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