New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

does volatility apply its modifiers to skills only or it also calculates weapon damage(s)? Rebuke of the vall [cough].
Pog, very nice!
Controlled Blaze is hilarious. If you have aoe and attack fast it will be a dead link when mapping.

GGG is right to be cautious with melee ignite. It has been strong for far too long.
GGG, I respect and appreciate you all. I love this game. But, please for the love of all that is good and holy, how long will it take, and how many times do we have to ask for you to make less powerful skills more viable? We get tired of the same meta over and over, You have all these fantastic skills some of which are never played and probably have never been played. I love making new builds, Im approaching 5k hours and I have never played the same league starter twice and play about 3 to 4 builds a league. Starting to repeat builds because I have no choice, would love to venture into say some of the hundreds of gems that are unplayable. All this time spent making changes to ruthless, I know that is what you all love and that's great, but lets not forgot about the rest of us. Hurts to see so many comments like this league after league and the weaker performing skills never get any love. Just give an across-the-board buff and let us run wild. Thanks for all you do.
Does SpellBlade modify the damage of Absolutions cast? I know it won't modify the minions themselves but does it affect the player casted portion of the skill?
Mrbitters wrote:
Will the duration of wakened fury be affected by modifiers to skill effect duration?

lets say I summon a skeleton with a base duration of 20 seconds. If I have 100% increased skill effect duration, the skeleton duration is 40 seconds, so Wakened fury lasts 4 seconds base duration. Will it scale to 8 seconds with my skill effect duration, or stay at 4 seconds?

Generally double dipping isn't allowed when it comes to those kinds of interactions.

The skill effect duration would be what is directly effected and the buff duration being a set portion of the skill effect duration would not be modifiable outside increasing the skill itself.

I would highly doubt that it would increase the buff duration to 8 seconds because of the wording of the support (10% of skill effect duration, capped at 10 seconds vs a listed set number).

I HOPE I'm wrong as it would make the support much more useful for short term minions like SRS and Skeletons over needing to re-summon permanent minions to gain the full 10 second effect. But at the same time, the name of the support does make me think it's intention was more towards re-summoning permanents with the name "Fresh Meat"
hmcg020 wrote:
GeoffC wrote:
Eh, more nope.

Corrupting Cry Support
Supported Skills have 10% Increased Area of Effect
Supported Skills cost Life instead of Mana
Supported Skills have 20% Less Area of Effect

Why not just say "Supported skills have 10% less Area of effect" on one line. Why confobulate it over two lines to get to a resulting % effect?

Am I being daft?

You're indirectly being daft by confusing less with reduced. 10% increase could actually have no noticeable effect on a build's AOE but EVERYONE will notice a 20% LESS modifier.

Plus, I think the 10% increased Area of Effect is from the 20% quality of the gem, so is variable depending on level
How does Spellblade interact with Battlemage?
Not gonna lie, I had some small hope when I saw that there were gonna be a bunch of new support gems. But this is mostly a nothing-burger for me. I really just want homing support and channeling support. Those two would be a dream for me. Homing Sparks, channeled Barrage, homing and channeling fireballs! ~sigh~ Maybe one day. I'll try a reaper build with that devour support in the meantime.

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