Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

This is it boys!
2 skill chances and some nerves to OP poison and VC thats it ? rest is ruthless balance ?
nice "side" project it shows that the other devs are working on poe2 ...
Glad to see the game still tumbling downhill since I left it 1 year ago
More than 7 entries on Skill Balance would have been nice, rather than 80% of the notes being about Rutheless.
'' Added a new Maps cluster to the Atlas Passive Tree. The Notable, Shaping the World, partially compensates for the loss of Shaping the Valleys and Shaping the Seas. It provides "Final Map Boss in each Map has 5% chance to drop an additional connected Map" and "Maps found have 10% chance to be 1 tier higher", while the 2 small Atlas Passive Skills each provide "Maps found have 5% chance to be 1 tier higher." ''

If I get it right it mean you can't get 100% now.
Why am I still here
Ok, is there any use left to 5ways now?
too much change ruthless it's disappointing that after 4 months more change is oriented for not even 1% of players...
The atlas stuff looks exciting. Overall though these patch notes are extremely underwhelming. It also so completely obnoxious to put ruthless garbage in with the patch notes. More ruthless changes than anything is cringe.

The Magmatic Strikes Notable Passive Skill no longer provides "Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage." Instead, it now provides "Every 10 seconds, gain 30% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage for 4 seconds."

Is this affected by skill effect duration or CDR, or are these times fixed?
Is this an out-of-season April's Fool joke?

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