Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

No really big nerfs, still people complaining. There is no way for devs to do good for all these basement redditors.
Seems like more time spent balancing ruthless than the game that the majority play. They had such a good chance to impress people considering how shallow D4 was and they come out with this lackluster patch, i'ts a bit embarrassing. I'll still play ofc but no supporter pack this league, low effort.
Ruthless Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Ruthless: Ruthless Trial of the Ruthless Ancestors

That just sad
Lol half is just ruthless stuff
Anything that´s unrelated to elephants is irrelephant
"Added a new Atlas Keystone Passive Skill, The Seventh Gate, which grants "All possible League Map Crafting Options are Available while six Gateways are Allocated"."

Can you provide a list of "All possible League Map Crafting Options"?
Fallbringer wrote:
No meta shake up for over a year? It's not that hard... i could do that in literally 10 min.

Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Well... POB Team has to add a switch for Ruthless Mode now
Last edited by ko5manavt on Aug 11, 2023, 11:04:36 AM
performance boost when?
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
I don't want to see "ruthless" keyword ever again in future patches. This is so frustrating.
still waiting for perandus league buffs
Perandus enjoyer

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