Path of Exile 2: Ngamakanui Teaser

Just a few days ago I made a reddit thread complaining how boring the BOSS fights in D4 were.. like


None of them except one were introduced in an epic cinematic way.. or ingame.. One of these bosses just randomly slowly walked in circles OFFSCREEN when I first fought it, the other just randomly appeared behind me.. OMG ITS THAT THING.. FROM D2.. why is it like a normal white mob..

And lastly.. no voicelines DURING fights.. ive been too POENIZED.. Shaper, Sirus etc taunting me troughout the fight.

I guess also Elden Ring showed me how GREAT boss fights should look and feel like. But I really love if this could be done seamlessly ingame without a cinematic at times.

Anyway, TEAM GGG, TAKE MAH ENERGY, thank you for pushing what real hardcore aRPG-s should look AND PLAY like. Not just the campaign.. but the ENDGAME!

PS! Pls pls, somehow develop a MULTIPLAYER GROUP PLAY like Diablo 3 had. Choose Torment level, choose what you want to do rifts,grifts,bounties and then you will be put into a group of 4 that gets auto filled if one leaves.
No idea how D4 fucked that up.. no group play for casual players lol, unless they find someone in the open world at their level that wants to do YOUR thing.. so stupid.
Mathils actual cat
Graphics looks insane good, but thats all.
I'm really fuckin scared, because i love this game and i spent a lot of money on it, but if you going to implement some shitty stamina system like in diablo 2, you can saw the walk/run animation, and if you going to slow down the game to the Diablo 4 level, then it's a leave for me. I play this game because of the complexity and the zoom zoom gameplay, i don't want to fight a pack of monster for 20 sec or 30.
My God, it looks beautiful!
Nerié wrote:
Graphics looks insane good, but thats all.
I'm really fuckin scared, because i love this game and i spent a lot of money on it, but if you going to implement some shitty stamina system like in diablo 2, you can saw the walk/run animation, and if you going to slow down the game to the Diablo 4 level, then it's a leave for me. I play this game because of the complexity and the zoom zoom gameplay, i don't want to fight a pack of monster for 20 sec or 30.

Nice assumptions based on WIP footage from early campaign gameplay.
i have to ask

is that even a witch in that trailer? Or we getting a fancy new Sorcerer/Mage class? I think it's a different voice and she has shorter hair.

Because I'm staring at the POE2 logo at the end, and of those 3 icons one of them is a definite sorcerer staff like icon.

Anyways, observations:

Spacebar roll.
The "witch" is locked into conjuration move when it's being done.
When that storm cloud thing is done, the character is floating off the ground.

Lots of windups and cooldowns.
Last edited by DopeyFishX on Jun 8, 2023, 5:35:31 PM
Holly Macarony!!!

cant wait...

and the new logo is GODLIKE!
just shut up and take my money!!!
21 June is my birthday, hope i get a nice surprise from GGG on 28
🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::

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