My List of the Top Merciless PVPers (Default)

If this keeps up this thread is going to get locked. Just settle your differences in PM's/ in game.

I don't really think there is need for this trash talk. As someone else said you can beat or do very well against the number 1 and then get wrecked by number 10's viper strike. Too many factors to try to care too much about a list or who is "better".

Standard Forever
SunPrice wrote:
oowarpigoo wrote:

lol , i always got my lowlife pots with me all the time from 7x ... ya the time i lost to you cause of lag spikes , i could not use my pots and i couldn't hit you continously , my combat is interrupted cause of lag ... anyway , u lost to me now , right ? lol , 85 ,and 86 , just a level , not matter much ... just need to say to you that : u won me sometimes cause i got bad connection at those time , if i had good connection , u would have no chance ... and according to my memory , u also used those lowlife pot when tanking with me also ... anyway , LOSER is LOSER , you should cry more , lol

One more thing , u have not level up for over 1 month , it's not my fault , lol . It just prove that u re a noob . I first met u at 85 , u was 77 , now im 86 , u re still 77 . U lost to me in pvp , farming seems too hard to u also , how many times u have died , man ? lol . Does ur build suck ? CRY more for being a loser , lol

PLZ say to me that u want to do some cheap strategy , i could also get my 50%+ chaos resist on, lol

haha, #1 i have 0 low life pots. #2 you gotta be a coward to blame every lose on lag. #3 you will clearly lose alot of stats if you switch to 50% chaos resist gear. i on the other hand do not have to change any my gear to garbage pieces that just have high chaos res #4 and it wasnt just one time, it was every time i fought you i would beat you lol.

funny that you keep calling me the loser only because i dominated you so many times. but Great Job getting to 85+ that really does give you an advantage to people under level 80. hopefully you will be more honorable next time and just admit you lost instead of making up excuses that you will always use any time you lose. i admit i was beat by a lvl 86 due to low life pots/stat points.

lol , u re a coward already , get some lowlife than come pvp me again ... let's see who shall win ... this time i will make a clip ... NO viper , NO beartrap ... LOSER is LOSER , if u say that i use my lowlife than dont use ur movement speed flask , idiot , dont u see u re too ridiculous , lol ? LOSER IS STILL LOSER

I would show my ping on clip also , let'see i lost due to lagging or 'u re too strong' or not . lol , loser .

I live in Asian , and my connection in my country is very bad at some particular times in the day . If u dare to pvp me at around 2-3 AM in my timezones , u shall fall 100% . LOSER will always be a loser :)

haha man you must be raging hella, i dont even have a movement speed flask in my bar.

all im saying is when we fight next time i have no need to take it easy on you. welcome to the big leagues.

i dont wanna get this thread locked. so lets just settle this in game, ill see ya in the pvp arena
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Apr 22, 2013, 4:51:30 PM

haha man you must be raging hella, i dont even have a movement speed flask in my bar.

all im saying is when we fight next time i have no need to take it easy on you. welcome to the big leagues.

That's mean u re going to use viper on me ? ah , i got u . No time to argue anymore . U seems like didn't believe anything i said including the part i lost to u 1-2 times due to lagging. , i also said to you i ahve won many 8x , u seems like didn't believe me ... that make me annoyed . Then dont keep asking me why i could beat you this time , it's easy to say that u re weak , I won almost 800 , and lost about 292 only , many of those lost are due to lagging ... and Im not feel ashame cause im from a poor country with bad connection . Those should feel ashame is who narcissism thinking they are so strong and dont believe anything ppl say ...
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Apr 22, 2013, 4:58:20 PM
SunPrice wrote:

haha man you must be raging hella, i dont even have a movement speed flask in my bar.

all im saying is when we fight next time i have no need to take it easy on you. welcome to the big leagues.

That's mean u re going to use viper on me ? ah , i got u . No time to argue anymore . U seems like didn't believe anything i said including the part i lost to u 1-2 times due to lagging. , i also said to you i ahve won many 8x , u seems like didn't believe me ... that make me annoyed . Then dont keep asking me why i could beat you this time , it's easy to say that u re weak , I won almost 800 , and lost about 292 only , many of those lost are due to lagging ... and Im not feel ashame cause im from a poor country with bad connection . Those should feel ashame is who narcissism thinking they are so strong and dont believe anything ppl say ...

w/e dude, yeah your connection makes you lose. *if you didnt lag at all you would beat everyone in the game*.... ive heard it before man. you do realize that Korea has the BEST internet connection in the world right? all im asking is please dont blame all of your loses on lag/connection. everyone has those problems and everyone needs to live with them. my pins is a constant 150+ in my home server. if i went to singapore (which i did to fight you) my ping is a constant 300+.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Apr 22, 2013, 5:17:48 PM
Yes this will get locked due to one little trash who, all of a sudden, thinks he is a pvper lmao..

@sunprice this thread is for real pvpers you change a few things get a couple wins then run your mouth continually..

Also sunprice i beat the hell out of you with pure dmg no viper at all so where your getting that from idk clearly your just to trash to get res or regen to overcome one simple dot that has been around and known about since the start :)

*as final note sunprice please leave this nice thread; you dont belong here, clearly you show no respect and have no real experience in pvp, well other then losses lol... ur hypocrite max haha
Last edited by Greenbake on Apr 22, 2013, 6:07:27 PM
SunPrice wrote:

haha man you must be raging hella, i dont even have a movement speed flask in my bar.

all im saying is when we fight next time i have no need to take it easy on you. welcome to the big leagues.

That's mean u re going to use viper on me ? ah , i got u . No time to argue anymore . U seems like didn't believe anything i said including the part i lost to u 1-2 times due to lagging. , i also said to you i ahve won many 8x , u seems like didn't believe me ... that make me annoyed . Then dont keep asking me why i could beat you this time , it's easy to say that u re weak , I won almost 800 , and lost about 292 only , many of those lost are due to lagging ... and Im not feel ashame cause im from a poor country with bad connection . Those should feel ashame is who narcissism thinking they are so strong and dont believe anything ppl say ...

no point to argue with the 2 boyfriends. they are trolls.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
lol @ herpes...

herpes your talking about troll when your first build was stand in conrner spaming incinerate with goldy gear and losing all the time hahah, then you switch to gmp freezing pulse..

lol your whole strat is built around having no skill and absolutely no aim :)

Also herpes, anyone that leaves a match early or will not except fights only because they know they got lucky... that is a troll and a bad pvper

bump for thread,
Last edited by Greenbake on Apr 22, 2013, 6:19:26 PM
Greenbake wrote:
lol @ herpes...

herpes your talking about troll when your first build was stand in conrner spaming incinerate with goldy gear and losing all the time hahah, then you switch to gmp freezing pulse..

lol your whole strat is built around having no skill and absolutely no aim :)

Also herpes, anyone that leaves a match early or will not except fights only because they know they got lucky... that is a troll and a bad pvper

bump for thread,

Pretty sure you lost last time to me 5-1? stop trolling.

P.S. Your broken English is annoying.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Apr 22, 2013, 6:23:52 PM
You got lucky with your new build and rushing tactic the first time i logged on in 2 days while my skills were out of place then would not except a fight after that...

also im from US server.. i dont have broken english im just not a grammer queen :p

lol btw whats your /pvp herpes haha what a joke, please leave this thread; wannabe pvpers like you and sunprice get these threads locked

bump for thread,
Last edited by Greenbake on Apr 22, 2013, 7:00:28 PM
Greenbake wrote:
Lol 5-1 nope that is not true, you got lucky with your new build and rushing tactic the first time i logged on in 2 days while my skills were out of place then would not except a fight after that...

also im from US server.. i dont have broken english im just not a grammer queen :p

lol btw whats your /pvp herpes haha what a joke, please leave this thread; wananbe pvpers like you and sunprice get these threads locked

bump for thread,

1. Youre a liar, you got beat 5-1. (SS Below of most recent duel)
2. Stop calling pvpers "wananabe" pvpers. When it's clear you're a baddie.
3. Exit thread now, stop with your excuses, stop trolling people.


IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on May 8, 2013, 12:42:04 PM

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