Final Chance for ExileCon Tickets!

My mistake, asked too early before. Is there supposed to be a link here now though?
Any second now.....
I hope they are up soon I am already late for work to buy these tickets :(
surely they weren't gone that fast
the website didnt update at all.
F5 has nothing to do with the website.

I'm at work on break trying to buy these tickets... hope it loads soon.

Edit: Got it. See you there
Shook Hands with Chris - Check
Got Picture next to Chris - Check
Life Complete - Check
Last edited by Tyrm on Apr 27, 2023, 5:10:50 PM
ticket secured, cya guys there :)
Just got mine!! So excited :)
Lets GO!
Can you let us know what the prices are ahead of time, please?

Balcony tickets will be $210 USD and regular tickets will be $230 USD. We've updated the thread to include the prices too!
Thanks! I appreciate it! Good luck with ExileCon2 and the path getting there! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


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