Final Chance for ExileCon Tickets!

When you surround yourself with zealots and sycophants, you lose your critics, and along with them, any reality checks.
Hence the smug-faced Chris thinking he's God's gift lapping up all the blind devotion, oblivious with his tunnel visioned sense of success. He's throws a mogedy old bone and the demented few drown out the masses cheering every last stupid mechanic flaw on.
Those few have all bought their tickets like good little gamer cucks, and they will cheer all day long.
Chris will bask in it and sink further into his own skewed version of reality.
For goodnesss sake, please wipe that God complex grin off your face!
hmcg020 wrote:
Ah man, I wish I could afford the tickets! I live 40 minutes away but I chose to have a baby and buy a stupid house! What a waste!

Should've set your priorities straight! PoE first! Real life later! ))
Jarren999 wrote:
When you surround yourself with zealots and sycophants, you lose your critics, and along with them, any reality checks.
Hence the smug-faced Chris thinking he's God's gift lapping up all the blind devotion, oblivious with his tunnel visioned sense of success. He's throws a mogedy old bone and the demented few drown out the masses cheering every last stupid mechanic flaw on.
Those few have all bought their tickets like good little gamer cucks, and they will cheer all day long.
Chris will bask in it and sink further into his own skewed version of reality.
For goodnesss sake, please wipe that God complex grin off your face!

Nice pasta, mate
Wow Can't wait!!
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
Awesome! Hoping there will be tickets for virtual attendance for those who can't come in person.
For tickets that cost that much, what do you get? Other than entering a building.
Are they all gone already?
What's going on? I cannot seem to see any link to purchase the tickets?...
There's no link to purchase tickets
F5 F5 F5 F5

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