Crucible Twitch Highlights

Where's the reaction of people talking about how trash this league is? This and the announcement should be legally labeled false advertisement.

Streamers that want the advertisement from you need to act a certain way or else they won't be featured so literally every streamer and content creator are inherently shills.

just want to leave a shorty:

Don't like this league mechanic.

feels clunky, not rewarding, to oneshotting and the weapon skills often feels like you got pranked.

But we all know how you think about this, so ... yeah ...

best regards

League going great so far! The Crucible league is def the league of builds and economy! Only slept like 8-10 hrs total this weekend! On my 3rd character now and we only a week in.

People seem to be lost on crucible and don't know the mechanics about how to get loot from it :D check out my character gears you guys need to learn the mechanics man whoever told you loot is a problem lied bro! play more, learn more and stop hive minding on reddit.

Keep up the good work and improvements!
Last edited by momonami5 on Apr 17, 2023, 1:25:14 AM
mirror clip - just a reminder that every barrel you don't break contains mirror
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Last edited by kamil1210 on Apr 17, 2023, 1:52:48 AM
history repeat...headhunter ...kalandra...few deads...sooo boring
Last edited by ZoneTripp3r on Apr 17, 2023, 1:59:31 AM
boring... :(
Sooooo 6 clips in what could be standard and the only crucible video showing how bad the monsters are. That is for sure a strategy. Now about that better communication we keep hearing about
The single Crucible video here displays how GGG don't understand game mechanics. What I'm seeing in this video is NOT fun, NOT engaging and NOT interesting. Also, it causes an unavoidable death (since Ziz could not commit any set of actions to prevent his character from dying) which is the worst in game design.
Last edited by Shade_RU_N53 on Apr 17, 2023, 10:56:27 AM
Cool moments but... only the Ziz ded moment ios related to league itself, others are just "normal" and can happen any given time/league/standard.

There are no plans to improve fun/objective with the league content?
I think these clips don't really portray the reality of what's happening in the league with the vast majority of players.
Last edited by rrbterry on Apr 17, 2023, 12:05:43 PM

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