🌬️⛵☁️[3.25] Herald of Agony CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Minion-Pathfinder|150M+|Inbuilt Mageblood

ShadeZP wrote:
Chromino wrote:

Only the tag "attack" would not fit.

Hits includes spellhits. And storm burst hits up to 40x each second, so full withers are reached. Add also on top thr phantasmal void spheres, fire storms and storm brands.

oh that sounds cool then. By the way, about fire storms. I have about 120 unreserved mana and without reducing mana cost storm burst (lvl 2) - cast while channeling (lvl 20) + faster casting (lvl 20) + (vaal) firestorm (lvl 1) drain mana in 2-3 seconds. Are there any mana management tricks besides damage recoup as mana and -mana cost on the ring?

Mystic bulwark almost double manaregenerations.
Chromino wrote:

Mystic bulwark almost double manaregenerations.

I already took it but it's not enough :(
ShadeZP wrote:
Chromino wrote:

Mystic bulwark almost double manaregenerations.

I already took it but it's not enough :(

You could use clarity when you have enough unreserved mana or below 80% poisonchance exchange faster casting to chance to poison support. Or self cast storm brand and go without channelling skills, use a second mana-mastery, or in the"manamanager" are more tipps and possibilities.
Last edited by Chromino on Apr 30, 2023, 1:13:38 PM
Hi, not sure if you didn't see my questions (since they ended up in the bottom of a previous page) or if you just didn't want to answer them, so I'm reposting them in case it's the former. If you don't want to answer and I'm bothering you, just say it and I'll edit them to save some space.

Wendek wrote:

This build looks very interesting (love the idea of a CI spellcasting Ranger, that's the PoE spirit) and I'm thinking of doing this for my second character but I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

1) How does it feel like to play while mapping? How many different buttons do you need to press for this build, both during normal mapping and against bosses?

2) Are there any recent videos? I clicked on a few links from the post but they're from like 3.18 (quite a few patches since then) and I'm not sure if they're even Pathfinders.

3) Quite a few of the paragraphs mention specific patches such as 3.19, like in the ascendency comparison. Are those ideas still relevant? For instance do you think Pathfinder is just better or would you recommend the Guardian for someone looking to build more on the immortal side than the pure DPS side? Do Pathfinder's flask buffs make her more tanky than the Guardian now?

4) Parts of the post mention Arakaali's Fang and the accompanying spiders but I also see you mention United in Dream a lot as the main weapon and it's not that expensive so should one just go for that immediately if they can afford to?

5) I'm confused by the "Final gems" setup in the PoB since it has so many different gems. What do you actually use in practice? Do you use Fork/Piece while mapping and swap them out for bosses? I admit I don't like gem swapping, it's pretty clunky. Is the clear still good with Damage on Full Life instead? I'm currently playing Reap Chieftain, I'm not exactly a speed demon in the first place.

6) How much currency do you expect one would need at a minimum for this to "feel good" to play? Like how strong is it with Skin of the Loyal instead of Lords and a random rare amulet instead of Uul-Netol's Vow? (those two pieces seem to be the most expensive ones)

Sorry for the wall of text but thanks in advance for any help :)
Wendek wrote:
Hi, not sure if you didn't see my questions (since they ended up in the bottom of a previous page) or if you just didn't want to answer them, so I'm reposting them in case it's the former. If you don't want to answer and I'm bothering you, just say it and I'll edit them to save some space.

Wendek wrote:

This build looks very interesting (love the idea of a CI spellcasting Ranger, that's the PoE spirit) and I'm thinking of doing this for my second character but I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

1) How does it feel like to play while mapping? How many different buttons do you need to press for this build, both during normal mapping and against bosses?

2) Are there any recent videos? I clicked on a few links from the post but they're from like 3.18 (quite a few patches since then) and I'm not sure if they're even Pathfinders.

3) Quite a few of the paragraphs mention specific patches such as 3.19, like in the ascendency comparison. Are those ideas still relevant? For instance do you think Pathfinder is just better or would you recommend the Guardian for someone looking to build more on the immortal side than the pure DPS side? Do Pathfinder's flask buffs make her more tanky than the Guardian now?

4) Parts of the post mention Arakaali's Fang and the accompanying spiders but I also see you mention United in Dream a lot as the main weapon and it's not that expensive so should one just go for that immediately if they can afford to?

5) I'm confused by the "Final gems" setup in the PoB since it has so many different gems. What do you actually use in practice? Do you use Fork/Piece while mapping and swap them out for bosses? I admit I don't like gem swapping, it's pretty clunky. Is the clear still good with Damage on Full Life instead? I'm currently playing Reap Chieftain, I'm not exactly a speed demon in the first place.

6) How much currency do you expect one would need at a minimum for this to "feel good" to play? Like how strong is it with Skin of the Loyal instead of Lords and a random rare amulet instead of Uul-Netol's Vow? (those two pieces seem to be the most expensive ones)

Sorry for the wall of text but thanks in advance for any help :)

Aah, yes, some questions are not conqurete to answer.

I try.

1. Try it out, feelings and favourites are quite different. I love the style of herald of agony most until now in whole Poe. An active minionskill, where you don't need to look for your spectres or animate guardian.

Also your tankyness ramps up your active damage uptime. I dislike glascannons, so it's perfect for me.

Buttons you can individualize, it's in Poe always about balancing qol, damage and defences. I play with 3 buttons, other play with 1 or 2. It's possible with less damage and unoptimized molten shell. Visit "skills and trigger" to individualize. Trigger cwdt lvl 1+void sphere+storm brand, trigger molten shell, use anomalous tempest shield and in maps you need 1 button storm burst for ineshotting the map-boss.

Overall the build focus first on tankyness and against Ubers on damage. Qol is guided in "skills and trigger", but is not the first goal of the build.
Many play it with 1-2 buttons, you can loot while hoa cleans autotriggered the screen.

2. There are already a few new videos on the YouTube channel play l - juiced farming t16 deliriums etc No bigger changes to older leagues.

3. All factors are compared in "Why pathfinder? Why HoA?"

In 3.21 pathfinder is most easy to gear, Necro you can scale better in damage for übers, especially with a mageblood.

Overall I recommend in 3.21 to pathfinder for early top tankyness. But... When you farm much or want to focus on Ubers, Necro has full geared mamy ups too. When levelling is most important to you, probably guardian is your choice. All factors are shown in the named spoiler.

You quote further the deeper explanations of the rankings in the spoiler in the spoiler. Mhmm, yes, the related league is sometimes interesting and relevant for long-time poe-players too.

4. United in dreams was expensive in first days of league, now it's cheap. I still prefer it and use the different belt graven's secret instead stygian/ darkness enthroned.

5. I swap one support-gem for pinnacle bosses like shaper etc. For ordinary map-bosses gemswap is not needed. I prefer awakened fork, but it's still not cheap. All recommendations are in "skills and trigger", there "the dirty scorpion tail" and also in "the composition of agony".

You don't need the other greyed out skills, for that reason they are disabled.

As guided and written in many thematic spoilers, they are variations when you get a cheap different coloured sol, want to use one more tanky skill, vary your manamanagement, etc

6. The build gets easy with skin and aegis. I became with 14 div immortal in juiced t16. Other arachnophobias a few days later with around 4 div. This changes in leaguestart every day.
Last edited by Chromino on May 1, 2023, 6:15:38 AM
can you plz look at my char? i still feel not "immortal" and frost shield doesnt trigger very often because of low mana.

could you maybe teach me where to go next?
Is it really worth to go to United in dream?
CIP looks so good, buffing other stuff too like Determination and Molten Shell
Is it really worth to go to United in dream?
CIP looks so good, buffing other stuff too like Determination and Molten Shell

Hehe, yes, it's quite flexible.

I advice to use

A) Focus on tankyness:

United in dreams + 2 jewel slots on the tree for 90% minion poisonchance and the belt graven's secret for tanky 4s 50% recouped es of elemental hits - another additional tanky high recovery in many damagepeaks

B) Focus on damage:

Belt Darkness enthroned, weapon free choice (eg +3 CIP, +2 triggerwand, or replica advancing fortress for blockings), 2 jewel slots on the tree for 90% minion poisonchance and more free stats on the ghastly jewels.

Both choices works great and the build has both enough tankyness and damage to choose free.

To get a good b.i.s. crucible tree on the weapon will make the choice much easier finally.
Last edited by Chromino on May 1, 2023, 4:38:24 AM
Chromino wrote:
---snip ---

Thanks a lot, I think I'll farm a bit more and start building that character once I can afford Skin + Aegis.
Chromino wrote:
Is it really worth to go to United in dream?
CIP looks so good, buffing other stuff too like Determination and Molten Shell

Hehe, yes, it's quite flexible.

I advice to use

A) Focus on tankyness:

United in dreams + 2 jewel slots on the tree for 90% minion poisonchance and the belt graven's secret for tanky 4s 50% recouped es of elemental hits - another additional tanky high recovery in many damagepeaks

B) Focus on damage:

Belt Darkness enthroned, weapon free choice (eg +3 CIP, +2 triggerwand, or replica advancing fortress for blockings), 2 jewel slots on the tree for 90% minion poisonchance and more free stats on the ghastly jewels.

Both choices works great and the build has both enough tankyness and damage to choose free.

To get a good b.i.s. crucible tree on the weapon will make the choice much easier finally.

been busy this last week so i havent looked at gear much. Your post got me thinking.

1: Do you feel you lose to much max Energy shield going with Graven's Secret ?

I'm setting at 3800 ES with Darkness Enthroned and not finding many more places to increase ES

2: Minion Poison Chance - Does the +20% Curse mastery count toward your Agony Crawlers Poison Chance ?

For the Direction ive gone, i dont see it as possible to get 2 free Jewel Slots to drop United in Dream unless the +20% Works

Sadly as much as i liked the thought of the Replica Advancing Fortress, i havent seen any good Crucible Passives to make it worth it.

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