The Forbidden Sanctum Launch - Live Updates 🔴

I used scouting report wich said that it rerolls kirac missions and includes atleast 1 unique map but i didnt get the unique map also horizon orbs dont always roll the uncompleted atlas maps anymore the horizon orbs always rolled into maps i didnt have completed on atlas yet so its clearly a bug too
WTF? Fix Soul Mantle already !
Hello, Vaal Flicker strike still causes instance crash in certain scenarios (most often using on harbinger packs, strongboxes and other dense content).
i have a +2maximum cold resist relic in my repository thing, it's locked in for the run i'm on and i'm still sitting at +75% max cold res both inside and outside of sanctum. my other relics, sitting right next to it, are working just fine.

enjoying the league otherwise :).
Why do ye actually hate melee?
the game looks and feels very nice now! :) love the new changes.. nice guys much love, love so much the new breach opening :D
already 2 my Olroth's didnt have dynamytes after first stage! Great job!
Theres no way to upgrade transcendent jewels. Can't use apex of ascension with vial on them/
А вы не хотите сделать такой же тред для русскоязычного комьюнити?

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