3.20 Balance Manifesto: Eldritch Altars

All manifestos until now sounded well thought through, with good reasoning and explanation.
Very happy :)

One thing I hope will be addressed in next leagues is the almost complete absence of deterministic crafting since the many harvest nerves. It makes me buy almost all items which means everything i do in the game is curreny farming.

I also have hopes you can change trade to an auction house for instant buying and selling, this would also get rid of that annoying price fixing.
Maven still has one gigantic downside: Empty maps because no altars and the mobs it generates
Last edited by MaxW81 on Nov 22, 2022, 7:42:26 AM
We buff by nerfing XD, i love it. I bet on every wall in this rotten corporate environment you have phrase written "no punishment is a reward".
I know that this may be crazy, but I think this moves this way for PoE2:
- nerf most basic mechanics and focus on low loot + poor crafting options
- adding a pack to increase the drop rate/exp to the shop
- adding "surprise packs" with random rewards to the shop
- adding "Old good fashion Harvest" or "More crafting options" into the store
- transform the game into P2W game
- if no pay - farm ~ 40-60 hours to farm t10 maps (if you are lucky enough)

I know that this may sound weird, but it rly looks like so. Previously the "Vision" was to make the game fun and make a character upgrade more visible. But for now, when all this "New Vision" and nerfs, I think that this may be the new "Genshin" because it looks logical. I rly want to believe that I'm terribly wrong nut to many nerfs with the "logical" solution
enumag wrote:
Personally I strongly dislike the altars because I have to stop, read and think about it before continuing the map. They should have some icon indicators we could get used to similar to Ultimatum so that we don't need to read and just decide immediately based on the image.

this would be GOATed
I like a lot of these changes, but I'm very worried that the "20-60 eldritch packs per map, choose altars based on guessing how many" will feel terrible in practice.


"Oh, now suddenly there's lots of eldritch packs, guess I should have picked the other altar mod"


"Huh, suddendly there's no more edlritch packs, guess I should have picked the other altar mod"

could feel extremely disappointing and frustrating in a way that might make me drop the league very quickly.

Yes, having to make decisions based on incomplete information, then living with the consequences can be so frustrating, I mean it's not as if you have to do this in practically every other aspect of your life every single day.
Last edited by Ruddski on Nov 22, 2022, 9:24:22 AM
As an altar enjoyer im a bit sad they want to nerf the eldritch currency farm , but kinda enjoying the scarab news :3
its more fun.Apparently.
impulze3 wrote:
why exactly was my post deleted ? i didn't write poggers or awesome?
Eldritch Altars are currently too rewarding

this sounds like its just gonna be another nerf, first impression

Because it is lol
ShacoInABox wrote:
nerfs dont make it more interesting 6th league in a row please pay attention

nah they just havent nerfed things enough for us to be appreciative...or something.

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