3.20 Balance Manifesto: Eldritch Altars

Happy with the changes. Some points here that probably should be considered though. But overall I think for the more casual player this change is a welcome one, as it no longer gives you the feeling that you are playing "wrong" when you don't want to farm Altars while dying over and over. Not everyone finds "cast-on-death-portal" an enticing playstyle.

I especially like the change of making it possible to farm awakened gems from bosses. It felt too much like you had to kill Maven to get stuff that some of us would like to have in order to kill her in the first place.
Similar to the Monster Mod Manifesto, this all sounds great (and well thought out)! It's like GGG got back to it's senses after 6-9 months on a bender.
... is not a troll
Well time to switch to Last Epoch, tired of nerfs to players fun and loot. Thanks for the the game ggg ^.^
"rushing to map bosses" I think we are living in different dimensions then Chris, where everything is opposite.
too rewarding need more nerf.
The scarab upgrade recipe is very nice!
ah yes, exactly what we needed after drops were nerfed to the ground... more nerfs :sigh
this will probably be my last league if it'll be as bad as 3.19, and things are looking pretty bad so far
Altars were the one remaining, in map, source of consistent rewards after 3.19. Really cleaver to destroy them as well now, so people will play your new out of map mechanic. Can´t have people ignoring your trash new content for your good old content again, so naturally you make the old content trash too.
Last edited by BalderEthics on Nov 22, 2022, 6:14:39 AM
Nice, we need a spectre buff for the 5th manifesto please. They're not viable atm :(
Why the the monsters and eldritch mods themselves not been looked at?

The mod that drops a fire pool when you kill an enemy is horrible and as a result most people stayed away from Searching Exarch influence.

On the other hand, the Eater of world mobs spawn in way to slowly and often target you from behind. This is particularly annoying when its the monsters that shoot the spikes.

Why gut Wrath of the Cosmos and Eldritch Gaze? Anyone who was in endgame mapping was just fine with how it was. Just seems silly to nerf pack size from the altars - we are already feeling pretty barren in maps when it comes to mobs and loot.

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