3.20 Balance Manifesto: Eldritch Altars

We need to add altars to the ingame filter so we dont have to read them all the time, that would be really nice.
this all just seems like another indirect buff to MF master race and yet another kidney punch to actual interesting, nuanced ways of balancing risk vs. reward gameplay. folks are still gonna feel pressured to die multiple times a map, it'll just be because they're using crappy MF gear instead of running over-juiced Wrath altars
Last edited by Kanjiedge on Nov 22, 2022, 6:28:37 AM
Proxava wrote:

Dude, as you said, you are from Russia. It might be shocking to you, but there might be one big issue with importing or mailing anything to Russia thanks to one little problem which started early this year. The people responsible for this situation with your physical goods are not either from GGG, Jinx or shipping company, if you will take more than 5 seconds and think about it you will know why.

Isn't this always the big company vs single customer scenario? If GGG's shipping partners are not able to ship to Russia, GGG should not sell physical goods to customers in Russia. Kind of lame of you to hit on one of 'us', the community, no matter the nationality. Perhaps you should join one of these political parties and try your luck there with your 'critical mind'.

I dont think they cant ship to Russia, the region where they are shipping to could be just difficult to ship to. Also, he might have bought the packs before the war. Spamming and crying on forum because of something GGG or their partners cant control is even more lame than reminding someone political situation which might have causes the said issue with shipping.

Also, I didnt blame the dude, I was just reminding him why it might take so long for the physical goods to arrive.
I work at a bank and I was trying to come up with something that would match the philosophy GGG is pursuing right now and I came up with one!

My bank decides to raise overdraft fees (nerf loot).

All the customers bitch about the higher fees and some leave.

In my bank's vision we want to make more money so what do we do?
Raise fees again (more loot nerfs).

Trivia time...what do you think the customers will do?

A) Praise the increase to fees?
B) Vote with their feet and close their accounts?

The answer seems to be a little of both. Which, from a business point of view, seems to break even. I lose some customers...but the ones who stay pay more fees!

Result: Raise fees again!! It supports our vision.
Rawrasawr wrote:
I work at a bank and I was trying to come up with something that would match the philosophy GGG is pursuing right now and I came up with one!

My bank decides to raise overdraft fees (nerf loot).

All the customers bitch about the higher fees and some leave.

In my bank's vision we want to make more money so what do we do?
Raise fees again (more loot nerfs).

Trivia time...what do you think the customers will do?

A) Praise the increase to fees?
B) Vote with their feet and close their accounts?

The answer seems to be a little of both. Which, from a business point of view, seems to break even. I lose some customers...but the ones who stay pay more fees!

Result: Raise fees again!! It supports our vision.

Leaders in business are never wrong, and even when they are they aren't.

Everyone's luck runs out in the end.
sounds good, feels sh.., doesn't work. another doa league.
forbidden sanctum will be so overhyped as underwhelming.
vision will emitt the real state of poe, players will be deceived.

this will be my last try at poe league. no $$$ sice poor vision
nice, I enjoyed it
Last edited by EliteEscort on Nov 22, 2022, 7:01:53 AM
can we get delirium scarabs?

1. map contains a mirror of delirium

2. delirium fog in maps dissipates 25% slower

3. delirium fog in maps dissipates 50% slower

4. delirium fog in maps dissipates 75% slower
- mirror of delirium contains a boss.
Ah yes, so instead of taking node that we could farm with end-game build to have both dps & tankiness to be rewarded. Now we gonna use more altars = more downsides = still trashed by downsides & on top of that mobs that will fuck you up while you try to read them.. Nice Design GGG. Seeya at the end of the cliff u're rolling from.

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