3.20 Balance Manifesto: Eldritch Altars

Neat. Seems mostly good to me.
May all your rings be unique
Seems kinda what I expected.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
Thanks for the transparency, nerfs are nerfs and it's great you said it clearly. Appreciate it. Core scarabs are POG. Also Maven farming might be good?! Already inhaling some Copium for 3.20, don't disappoint me!!

#MakeWraeclastGreatAgain #InChrisWeTrust
"By killing the boss first, you eliminate these options from your map altars, which makes them more rewarding."

so i DO what to kill the boss first. i dont need alter that take thing waaaaay to far for a small chance of stuff.
I find it absolutely hilarious that i don't even know what an Eldritch Altar is.

edit: it turns out i do know what they are. just didn't know they were called "eldritch altars". lol.
Last edited by plasticeyes on Nov 21, 2022, 6:34:22 PM
Every patch thiers less on less monsters soon there'll be only one monster per map.
"This is one of those cases where the most efficient and rewarding gameplay strategy undermines the expected gameplay loop and encourages players to do things that aren't really fun."

Your definition of fun WILDLY differs from most of the playerbase it seems.
Who'd a thunk it...
Wait, Eldritch Influenced maps had a GUARANTEED SIXTY extra packs?

It honestly looked like barely 10. Specially on small maps, where you could see the mobs spawning easily.
Nice, some of these changes I was brainstorming would help balance rewards leagues ago, such as the keystone balance being for that certain influence as well as maven bosses dropping maven exclusive gems. Eldritch altars should benefit a much more dangerous boss over map packs imo, so good change there if the boss altars really are better.

Now for the question I have:

Are these gems going to be able to drop when witnessing the boss as well as doing the 10 ways?
Yeah, but what about loot drops in general? Are you going to just keep nerfing all sources of loot or are we going to be rewarded somehow for pushing a character to do high end content?

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