Monster Mods FAQ

Well that confirms that arch nem mods were entirely unnecessary and overkill, as previous rare monsters did not have all those offensive and defensive modifiers on them prior to the change from regular nemesis modifiers.

Players were rightfully upset, and GGG just kept telling us they saw no problems and we needed to stop making stuff up, gaslighting us for almost a year ( including in the actual league ).

Thank goodness perceptively we're going back to pre Arch Nemesis, I just hope we wont see a bunch of stat modifiers show up as monster mods so that nothing actually changes.
If magic find is so important, give us some points on the tree so we don't have to have it on our gear, not every build can fit magic find on their character as comfortably as TS Deadeyes can.
please please please please...

Don't want to be hurt again.
Hey, this looks really good.
Can you please answer some questions re: audio-visual signalling of these new mods?

In the case of offensive mods like "extra crits" what is being done to make sure that the counterplay against them is not reading a mod list in combat, or while staring at a death screen?

Do the new mods (especially all those that increase the lethality of a monster) have proper, in-game audio-visual cues that can be identified by looking at the monster directly?
well thx nice to have some answers like this
Does this mean I'm forced to play Magic Find all the time now?
If you're able to sacrifice character power for magic find then, you'll find more and better items. That was true before 3.19 and is the nature of magic find in Action RPGs. Note that magic find has diminishing returns, so a small investment can go a long way.
would be very nice if the unique items had a really unique features - teleport damage whatever, cosmetics not to mention good ones like +- aoe cast ms attackspeed, crazy interactions etc
yay <3
Um, we don’t have that much information on this FAQ, so I didn’t really learn more than that. These changes look interesting from a paper perspective. On the other hand, the "on top of whatever the mod actually did of course" was the initial problem in fact... Life point increase, why not, but if they added 1000% cold resistance, and you played frost blade ( for example ) you cried instantly and this without negotiation...

The major concern he had with the archenemesis mods, was not their way of seeing the attacks (which is good on this side ), it is especially the huge additions of damage and of abused defense. You said in a previous post that a mod could have 5-6 different property so no they didn’t have "just more life" saying that’s a hell of a blasphemy..... Like, it means that if the mob had 4 mod archenemesis, it could potentially have more than 20 properties... ( in addition to the other independent properties they could have, like the buffs of another rare and I could go on ).

Basic not having seen this is really strong... That said, the findings are done, let’s see what it looks like in the note patch. This is especially where we will see the real changes made, and in good I hope (like a rare one that has 1000% elementary resistance and has more life than the shaper for example.. I don’t really want it... it’s just not fun )
Suggestion can offense modifiers on an enemy be red text and blue for defense. On console you move around an enemy so much to avoid attacks you can't lock onto there name to see what they do
Last edited by Megadeth733 on Nov 17, 2022, 8:22:05 PM
truly hope the gameplay to improve, but only playing to know

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