Jewel Changes FAQ

Does the line" abyss jewels can roll up to 50% ailment avoidance" mean each type seperate or is that a new mod that gives a chance to avoid ALL ailments not only elemental but poison,bleed aswell?
Vendetta wrote:
Rekill wrote:
Some of these answers are worthless or don't answer the question at all lol...

Yet some people find them very good and revealing...

It's strange the lack of knowledge they have.

Its not about knowledge. Its about reading the answer. What they are actually saying or rather not saying. Those are some dodgy ass answers.
Last edited by Rekill on Nov 17, 2022, 10:04:39 AM
Replica remove gonna kills some niche builds...
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Calling replica conquerors efficiency niche is a joke and removing it is a dickhead move. these jewel changes suck horrendously they are not improvements. they are downright nerfs.
-Professional Fish
Pls, GGG, all i ask is to keep wardloop alive, pls. Why you can,t add SurvivalSecrets to corrupted gems pool? Also you said you remove only bad jewels, but you also remove replica CE, which is a great jewel. I even can say that this is "chase" unique jewel. I think jewels weren't a problem in the game, and i just will wait other news.
Always a bit disappointing to lose uniques but I expect this will open up some room for the future.

Moving niche build enablers into more deterministic locations is something I'd like to see going forward, vendor recipes and other "secret" behaviors are an important part of the soul of the game for me.
*You call into the void. You hear a sound in the distance.*
Still don't understand, will we be able to roll "% reduced effect of elemental ailments", "% reduced duration of elemental ailments" on normal jewels and "% chance to avoid elemental ailments" on abyss jewels or did you split it up, in the sense that we got 3 different types of modifiers according to ailment type (cold, fire, lightning)? For me this is not clear at all.

In the current state of the game, I believe that we really need the first type. Otherwise the mods are pretty pointless, I cannot immagine anybody using a jewel like "30% reduced duration of ignite" (you would need 3 such jewels to just reduce ignite). But on the other hand, if you put all the mods together, it seems also quite boring. Why not adding mods that give us 100% reductions?

But yes, played your delve event and died about 100 times with 78% resistances, 50% attack block, 4k life 300 energy shield on depth 80, mainly due to chaos damage (I do have 20% chaos res, but its useless, chaosweaver one shots me, probably a crit, but yep), but also due to ground degens all over the place. We seriously need some kind of help with those ground degens. Currently we can ignore fire degen with the pantheon, but all the other degens are only available as conqueror mods, and currently crafting those is so expensive. But degens are all over the place, even in white maps.
"The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed." ~ Orwell, 1984
Last edited by Proxava on Nov 16, 2022, 10:41:29 AM
cdrpoe wrote:
You realize Survival Secrets is pretty much necessary for wardloop to function, right? That's the definition of build-enabling. That build can't give up a slot to "another unique item" either, it has to be a jewel.
Who cares about wardloop, the build should be gone, sooner or later.
First Mirror drop at t8 pier map in legacy league :D
Second Mirror drop at t16 promenade map in delirium league :D
Gods knows what happened in affliction league... :L
Conqueror's Efficiency: its mana reservation stat has been moved to the regular Jewel mod pool.

I already love those changes.
Sadge wanted to try out the wardloop build this league, i hope something else strikes my fancy.

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