3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Sounds like Jewels that are already a pain to roll for damage are getting worse. You did not think the solution was make the jewels better and instead remove them???? The problem is the few that are good need to be as common as they are. They are only getting used corrupted and you need a lot considering your Vaal Orb sucks.

I'm going to miss Poacher's Aim - it was a fantastic way of getting a +1 penetration on builds who used projectiles but didn't need to invest in Pierce Support (I used it on my Essence Drain builds because it made clearing much more pleasant and my aiming less important).

Every death brings me life.
I was okay reading it until the part about chase unique jewels.

More chase uniques I will never be able to find and never be able to afford. That adds nothing of value to the game for me, an average player.
If the unique change is an indicator of what will happen, it basically reads like this:

We claim to buff jewels but not really.
We then make them 10x harder to find while being just as useless.
We add chase unique jewels that a person might have a small chance to find after accumulating at least 10k hours of playtime.

The ailment thing is nice though, but I wonder how much the tree and gear is going to suffer for this.
did elon musk buy ggg from tencent?

As a minion player this...kinda seems like a nerf? I guess? RIP CWDT Loop build.
so the jewel changes also boosts the abyss jewel hunting nodes on the atlas tree, so that is a plus along with normal dropping jewels to maybe worth more than zero if they don't have 7% max life.

The unique jewel changes I can get if it's balanced well, cause yeah 90% just get a vaal orb with a nope and prayer it rolls corrupted blood and you can find 10 people playing that one unique build that needs it..

So good changes so far in the positive assuming you TESTED it well and tossed some DATA at it.

If you left off the ability to get a jewel that was mega good for a bunch then it will burn in hell as the bad jewel change.

AND YES this means stat stacking got a bit more expensive, but it is stupid damage... so having it be a tad more expensive is fine people.
sounds like fun

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