3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Wow. Those are very good changes. Keep it up GGG I'm so proud
Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed by this :/

1. The wording around unique jewel drops not feeling good is pretty much the same as unique items as a whole last league. That was a giant flop in my opinion. 99.999% unique item drops were still useless.

2. I was really hoping the "Ailment mitigation" part would address the huge issue of there being almost no way to mitigate damage-over-time in the game right now.
Who cares. Game has a lot of another problems, most people dont even use/take jewels. How often can u see PoB builds with a lot rare jewels except abyss (DMG is priority, crit multi/dot modifiers)? - Exactly.

Brother, don't tell me you want flat life or es over %. That's a decent downside. And not to mention, for crit builds you have lower values of crit on the abyss jewels. And you have 2 options instead of 3 maximum, crit generic and then if you killed recently ( which sucks ). Abyss jewels shine if you want huge amounts of attack/cast speed. And for dot builds you can only play abyss jewels on a stygian or darkness enthroned (indirect buff, I like it). You simply just can't miss the dot multi from regular jewels on your tree.

Last edited by Voidbreaker1 on Nov 15, 2022, 1:11:53 PM
great more nerfs, golem nerfs, fantastic
arpgaddict wrote:
I have no hope for this game

Is looking forward to getting Conc Efficiency really a burden? just make them also drop. wtf!?

We ask for more interesting quest rewards and now we just get random mod rare jewels?


I'm out for good when ED is over.

Don't let the door hit you mate ;)
Ravagraid wrote:
I don't think most people reading here realise that "build defining jewels are now corruption only" means that not only are they gonna be fucking rare, they're also gonna be impossible to reroll or put a craft on.

"We're heavily nerfing the jewels so if you get one you better feel fucking happy" doesn't sound like a buff to me.

A larger pool of modifiers for the regular jewels also means chances of getting a good combination of mods is now smaller. saying the values of defensive stats on the jewels will be better is one thing, but it's worded so vaguely that it could literally be +0.5% improvement.

Either half the posts in the thread didn't read the post or are pogging cause they like to suffer?

This!! Please people, read... This is not a buff, this has nerf written all over it.
Have been rocking the same jewels for over 2 years, which grant me stun immunity on top of excellent stats.
(yeah, needed 9 of them)

IGN: Cyanyx
Last edited by Qmabyte on Nov 15, 2022, 1:23:01 PM
So thats the first "huge" change to announce according to GGG. Maybe cover solutions for some real problems? I just dont get this policy.
georgeb1 wrote:
removing uniques from the game without question but not Archnemesis. nice....

I'm fucking dying :')
ITT: Tell me you nerfed boneshatter by removing mantra of flames without telling me you nerfed boneshatter by removing mantra of flames.

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