3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

AngryGekko wrote:
- Gold Goblin still part of the vision™
- 32:9 ultrawide destruction still part of the vision™
- MF Culler Discord calls still part of the vision™
- monsters unable to drop loot still part of the vision™
- Archnemesis still part of the vision™
- 'We're discussing it' phrases without listening to the community still part of the vision™
- My full retention on spending money for your ignorance still part of the vision™

all true. Btw loot goblins was d3 meta 12 yers ago. 12!!!
Still no fixies to archnemesis [Removed by Support].still disappointed in GGG.
they made the best game aver, and they ruined it completly.
what a shame.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 7, 2022, 5:51:42 PM
bet you will delete this because its "antagonistic"
[Removed by Support]
Good luck fixing this, because this is honestly a half measure.
k but its not fix any core problems

and mf+party bonus still HUUUGE problem that u not see https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3300869
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Last edited by TreeOfDead on Sep 7, 2022, 6:02:49 PM
I thought after the reception of AN devs will learn and remove that mechanic from the game. But they decided to remove the loot instead. How many nerfs are there already to AN? 15? 20? And it still feels awful to play against, oneshotting you when ypu stop for a s3cond from movement, even after the AN is dead.
And instead you just put an insult to the injury. I am really sad to see the state of the game.
This does nothing. You really did ignore the point. We cannot stand AN, yet you as a company think that is a great thing. This brings me to another point. How long can a company, GGG, lose customers, the player base, while sticking to a broken vision that is costing you so many customers?
GGG: we like Ultimatum but it needs time before returning

also GGG: this majorly disliked AN mechanic? yo we love us this mechanic and making it the CORE part of loot system instantly w/o any testing.

GGG wants reward harder content which Ultimatum did....you CHOSE to fight a harder fight. you knew the reward was either worth it or not.

AN should of been similar. use the "alter" mechanic like for EoW/SE...let us CHOOSE a harder fight, spawn the mob, and then fight the AN with challenging mods.

yes, you dont want to admit you messed up, but people learn more from mistakes than successes.
Nobody blames you for mistakes. However refusing mistake and ignoring feedback is going to get you blamed.
Di_Generics wrote:
When will zombie get the "Physical" tag.

Never...Minions are clearly too overpowered as is.. OR they simply have no playtesting on this archetype. Its been nerfed over and over for what feels like 1,5 years.

I mean before this patch minions are litterly getting one shot and defensive curse spectre AI is straight up broken. Don't expect shit to happen for us for ages.. GGG doesn't care about the archetype anymore.
Where patch

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