3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

This league has been down right depressing for me. When I cant play my favorite game for more then 30 minutes, before I've completely lost all enthusiasm to play, its depressing. I mean, isn't the point of a game to have fun? So when its not fun, when everything you do in that game feels pointless, like your not getting ANYTHING for your time, shouldn't your goal be to fix that, to make the time you spend in the game enjoyable? Well GGG's actions show that there more worried about there broken vision, then making content that someone would want to trade there time for. The game was fun last league, I had the most fun I've had in years last league. And now, I cant find the motivation to play for 30 minutes, and GGG's response to that is to keep the game in the unenjoyable state its in. If things stay the same next league, then its obvious, that's the direction of POE 2, and if it is, then I HOPE TO GOD that diablo 4 is good, cause POE 2 sure as HELL wont be. I think the content feels good, and its challenging, and I love that, but that means nothing when you get nothing for the time you spend completing the challenge. Its like your working a full time job, and not getting paid for it, you don't hate doing the work but your not getting anything from the work, so your time is better spent elsewhere, where you do get something from your time.
Keep the good work
Still no further nerfs on arch Nemesis mods, do you realize some of it when combos with different AN mods it becomes overkilling? Not to mention some of it alone it's already overpowered.

Personally I've checked through ever single arch nemesis mods of what they do , I only found opulent it's the only mob that buff quantity & rarity drop, but honestly I don't see much in the game.

Plus I am sure your end had calculated wrongly. It doesn't matter how many ridiculous percentage increase of quantity n rarity buff, if the base it's lower than one, you're not getting great outcome. Do your maths property, please stop delusional in your "vision"

Harvest craft still not yet given back some of it's crafting, plus certain craft cost are still too much.

We players are the main protagonist of the game. Not the monsters. Not the game developers. Without any players playing the game, your design n idea it's meaningless.

I really don't understand why you want to make so difficult that it kills your own game progression n fun.

I have never felt so tired of playing a game, this league it's finally hitting the huge walls of progression that I don't even want to touch your game.

With so many players declining, this only proofs your idea & direction is wrong.
Your VISION IS WRONG. Fix the game.
Bring back loot drops. Arch nemesis mods you need to open up n make a discussion with the players. Don't solely decided on your end behind our back.

I'm pretty sure your game doesn't last long for another league without any money from players. Cut our loot n fun? We cut the money supply to your game.
Last edited by vortex226 on Sep 6, 2022, 11:48:13 PM
Revert to 3.18 and people will play again.
Nice player retention kek
Last edited by AchillesBruh on Sep 6, 2022, 11:48:43 PM
Shameful as the whole league is. Absolutely tonedeaf. Looking forward to the "we are very sorry please come back and play our game" league.
I know it! We are Haggle with GGG now!
It's boring if you take my first offer!
Thailand Player
My standard stash has become worthless after the switch from exalts to divine, drops primarily come from single enemy loot explosions - often spamming my screen with 10 flasks or a hundred whetstones, and common mobs in maps are stronger than unique big bosses.

Theres a lot about this game i still love and am very happy with. but these current changes really feel bad. I'm hoping the next league goes in a different direction.
Nope, not nearly enough!

Even though D4 is obviously going to be p2w I think I'm looking forward to it more than PoE2 and I'm probably not even going to play D4! lol
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
looks pretttyyyyyy good
Happy to see these small improvements.

Wondering about Harvest feedback being addressed?

Spikey Archnem rewards?

These are driving people away.

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