The Well-dressed Exile Competition

My dark wanderer!

Premium category obv

F2P category


Items used:

Premium category


Items used:

Last edited by pablija on Jun 16, 2022, 7:59:41 PM


Helmet: Angelic Helmet
- Attachment 1: Aureate Halo
- Attachment 2: Harbinger Challenge Eyes

Body Armor: Angelic Body Armor
- Attachment 1: Eclipse Cloak

Gloves: Harbinger Gloves

Boots: Harbinger Boots
- Attachment 1: Legacy Footprints Effect

Belt (N/A)
- Attachment 1: Archnemesis Ice Character Effect

Weapon: Innocence Sword
- Attachment 1: Vagabond Weapon Effect

Ring (Main Hand): Lori's Lantern (Skin)

Shield: Emperor's Vigilance (Skin)
- Attachment 1: Ivory Weapon Effect

A simple yet elegant theme built around the blues, golds and silvers of the Eclipse Cloak, one of the supporter items I'd always wanted to use but never got around to make a really good set for. One of my top goals was to make a set that looked like, well, a set, like something that could be sold as one package. I think I succeeded.

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Last edited by MosesXIII on Jun 17, 2022, 7:36:58 AM
Nice competitiopn, love to see all the combinations and ideas
Last edited by Mojul on Jun 16, 2022, 9:02:20 PM

PoE Neptun premium competition

Last edited by Mojul on Jun 16, 2022, 9:06:09 PM

On my command, unleash hell.

Slow down for a minute to enjoy the beauty around us.
Last edited by canilaz_ on Jun 22, 2022, 7:57:07 PM

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