Feedback on New Microtransactions

I like the supporter pack mtx a lot, specially the level up effect & quicksilver flask effect. Likely gonna also buy the 2nd supporter pack even though I actually don't support the balance changes of 3.18.

But the mystery box.. sure its 'no duplicates' but then there are lots of reskins in there so feels like a marketing trick. These mtx are also too subtle to be visible amidst all the visual clutter.

Suggestions for MTX-

1. Please make effects such as withering step, arcane cloak, etc hideable. The overlay effect they have on the character totally ruin other mtx.

2. Portal effect that shrinks or changes in size/appearance every time a map portal is used up.

3. Alternate/hideable fortify effect.

4. This one's prolly really out there, but it'd be sick to have ridable pets (visual only, no speed or gameplay boost)

On kill effect treasure is by far my favorite!
box is good, make less variants/more unique, make variants also purchasable when one is unlocked.
Long time player and have gotten a lot of support packs through the years. This league's packs have certainly piqued my interest more so than previous ones.

The new Supporter packs have really cool and interesting MTX in them, I like the unique interactions/gimmicks that they introduce.

One thing that would be really nice to implement is a 'color palette' that can somewhat override MTX colors and help establish a matching theme between items that would otherwise clash.

For instance, I'm having a hard time finding anything that matches with the new Soul Harvester's Cloak. Despite it looking amazing, all of the bone/necrotic themed armor is either ghostflame or the bone coloring does not match.

Lastly, give me a 'Minion Pen' hideout decoration where my minions can be contained while I'm in my hideout. That way they are not groaning in my face while I go through my stash or clutter my screen when I'm trying to decorate.

Keep up the great work, love the game and happy to spend money on it!
The new Mystery Boxes and Supporter Packs are great! Love them./
The Kirac Vault Pass (Battle Pass) however is NOT...

I have played almost every game that has a BP (Battle Pass), i LOVE grinding them and earning rewards for what is a small purchase price. Almost every BP i have played (i have finished BP's from Fortnite, Apex Legends, Halo, Call Of Duty, Lost Ark, Splitgate and many more) is $10 (besides Lost Ark which was $15) and has 50 to 100 tiers of cosmetic rewards.

It STUNNED me when Chris said on the Baeclast Podcast "we have talked with friends in the industry and think that its similar in cost and reward to other Battle Pass's." Which BLEW my mind because in my experience with BP's - which is extensive, even BP's in ARPG's - PoE's Kirac's Vault Pass has NOTHING close to what any other BP offers...

First of all its a $30 BP... thats extremely expensive. And then when you find out its $30 for only EIGHT(?) rewards?? And these 8 rewards are just unique skins you will prolly never use in ur PoE career (because who uses uniques at all, maybe 1 per build if that) let alone use in the league that the pass is active in you come to the realization that the Kirac's Vault Pass ius way over-priced for nothing thats worth spending your hard earned money on...

This sucks.. I want to spend $10-$15 on a BP every league, i want the rewards that i can grind out in it to matter or be useful to any build or character, and i want waaaaay more than 8 rewards.... thats nothing.... When you think of a BP thats $10 for 100 Tiers of Cosmetics (which almost all are) your paying 10 CENTS per reward! Meanwhile PoE asks that you pay $3.75 per reward, and then you cant use the rewards either because they are all for uniques you will never touch or even see in SSF....

You guys did GREAT at Mystery Boxes and new supporter packs, like seriously excellent change for the community, but you can do SO MUCH better at the Battle Pass if you want to continue in that direction. Thanks for making such an awesome game.

Last edited by masterp422 on May 19, 2022, 10:36:06 PM
increased prices but no duplicates is good.

however not a big fan of buying colour variations. never was a fan of colour variations.

i bought a bunch anyway to show support.

my feedback on the other mtx's

maroider is awesome but can other classes use the skin? its a bout time that we have an actual mtx preview room.

as for the new effects, i m kinda conflicted. on one hand i really love them, but going forward it begs the question. what happens when i want to switch em out? for example the reaper effect. its all cool AF but what if i dont want the apparition but still want the reaper cull effect?

also for the new gold explosion weapon effect, i feel it should take the same place as extra gore effect. it boggles me that this was overlooked.

finally as for the kirac pass. i need to point out somethings.

in many games that has a "paid season pass", those games are usually games where EVERYONE is forced to go thru a new season.

for example competitive shooters. their ranks are stripped and EVERYONE starts the new season together. EVERYONE plays the new season.

having a paid pass system is fair as EVERYONE is on the same playing field.

POE IS NOT the same as these games. GGG please put on your analytic goggles and check what games actually use paid passes. i can almost confidently say MOST games with paid passes usually have all their players on the same playing field.

POE IS DIFFERENT. we have standard, we have league. i can understand leagues having special mtx/totem rewards. but i want to remind GGG one of the original intentions of leagues were as a testing ground for new mechanics to ENRICH THE CORE GAME (aka STD).

by introducing the pass as LEAGUE only, GGG has made a very disheartening implication. STD doesnt matter.

yeah we're not dumb. we understand that player numbers and interest peak during leagues. in fact i m guessing a lot of players now flock to leagues.

that said, what about STD? i m guessing people who play STD are people who truly love your game. we have less time to play and cant commit to replaying a fresh league. we might have been here from open beta and some even further before that.

are you telling us STD players that we're now not the target audience?

i am going to say, the mtx's shown in kirac pass are VERY interesting and look really good such as hands of high templar effect. theyre downright awesome.

but you lock it behind a paid pass.

i am salty. i am willing to throw money. but nah, its getting apparent that i'm not the target audience.

and yeap that was a rant.
[Removed by Support]
Make A Way We Can Trade Old Duplicates Too!!
You Guys Could Sell A 10coins Mtx That Would Randomize A Duplicated Mtx For One You Dont Own Yet Of The Same Category (If You Already Have All Of The Same Type, It Would Not Work)
If Its A Fusion Item, It Would Also Give A Fusion Item Of Course

I Got 3x Of The Same Chest Piece, If I Use One Of Those New Mtx, It Will Give Me A Random Chest Piece Among Those I Do Not Already Own
If By Any Chance I Already Have All The Chest Pieces Mtx, I Wouldnt Be Able To Use It

The Positive Side To This:
As I Will Randomly Get Some New Itens I Would Not Normally Buy, I May End Up Buying The Rest Of The Set If I Get Something Cool

Either Way, You Get Some Extra Coins For Each Old Duplicated Item Out There
Last edited by rafaelgxs on May 19, 2022, 10:47:03 PM
I like the Mystery Box changes -- you've solved the major ethical issue they had, and restored PoE's place as an exemplar of ethical monetization. I also love the new direction of the supporter pack MTX, with effects that actually interact with player actions, but without having a gameplay impact.

My only quibbles are with Kirac's Vault Pass:

1. Having a gigantic door in town that is not a door, but rather a MTX purchase screen, was really off-putting and immersion-breaking. The tiny icon in the corner of the Atlas Passive screen wasn't nearly as intrusive to me as this giant payment portal in the town. It's a relatively minor thing, since I mostly don't spend time in town once I've reached maps, but still... this bugged me.

2. Having Kirac's Vault Pass purchasable only with cash, and not points, is obnoxious. I could understand this if points could be earned through play (as, say, one-time bonuses for completing achievements), but points already cost cash. Why can't Kirac's Vault Pass cost 300 points, or $30 USD? Or 500/$50, like the Mystery Box? Just a thought.

On the whole, though... I approve. Good job, GGG. And the league is tons of fun, too.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
I'm sure this is going to get buried now.

I like the new direction for Microtransactions. I have been a long-time supporter of PoE, and used to buy nearly every supporter pack I could. That has slowed down a lot now, as the value never felt worth it anymore. The new packs definitely feel like they have more value, same with the mystery box's I could certainly see myself buying them in the future more, especially if the rewards fit my aesthetic more.

Here's the biggest problem with Microtransactions in PoE. As someone who likes to collect them, I can only ever use a finite amount of them. Meaning that with each new pack, it has to replace my current 'Favorite' for a given theme, aesthetic etc. 9/10 I still use the Orion MTX (My personal favorite). I would love some way to still be able to get some value from my MTX even if I'm not using it on my character.

I love the idea of adding a hideout decoration where you can 'dress up' a mannequin to look like your favorite MTX. Imagine joining someone's hideout and seeing a collection of their favorite MTX combinations. This idea could also even be expanded to allow characters to immortalize their favorite characters for future leagues. Imagine if you really liked build X in league Y. That league is over soon, but if you could use an item to turn your current character (With all of its MTX) into a statue for your hideout. Especially if you could find a way to snapshot a read-only version of their gear other players could see, so you could show off that cool item you crafted, or bought years later.
Very awesome work indeed!
Congrats on the no-duplicate direction for the boxes! I'd buy more tho if they had some more identify like the previous ones, these feel like yellou-green-red-blue-purple skins
My only disappointment is the "Out-of-body experience" effect occupying a weapon effect slot. At least it could be a "extra added effect" instead, it fits better its theme
Luv it. I'm unemployed right now, but as soon as I get income again I'll buy a bunch of things!

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