Feedback on New Microtransactions

The Mystery Box was pretty interesting although MTX-s for niche scenarios, not many "need to have" them. The gold explosion looked really cool but ingame its like bronze turd spilling out.. why cant it be sparkling gold?

Overall I still feel the game HAS to have an INGAME armoury preview before you purchase. So people can customize their character exactly how they want and browse through all MTX-s for that slot and then when they are finished they can see it ingame.. maybe even have a free trial of 5minutes with the MTX-s turned on before needing to buy them.

In other things, the only wings EVER to be released that have small physics and look cool are the Pandemonium Wings. Sadly only these feel like actual usable wings. Most others are just way too big and so on.

Also to touch up on SIZE.. let us have size sliders.. in Scourge league I farmed for that PET MTX in Challenges.. only when I got it it was half the size of my screen.. totally unusable.. that would have been cool to use at 25-40% of its size.

And please upload in 4K, there is no reason you guys are still uploading in low res 1080p with low bitrate. And if you dont let people see the items ingame atleast make longer videos, in battles etc.. but in short, let us preview items ingame, no need for videos.
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on May 19, 2022, 8:22:03 PM
I think the idea behind changing the Supporter Packs to have effect microtransactions is a good one, however I don't think I'd purchase any of them in its current rendering.

This is because of the inherent nature of some of the microstransaction being reliant on you using certain skills, certain builds or types of builds (attacks/spells) or certain flask setups. Examples of this include:
- Medi-Drone healing (useless for CI)
- Grim Reaper Apparition
- Ring Of The Exorcist

These days I'm a "one build a league" man. If I spend US$90.00 on a pack, you bet I'd want to be able to use all of its contents at once without the need to worry about what I'm doing in game with my build. I don't feel like I get value for money from these if I can't use them. I'll stick with the core armour packs for now (and yes forum I have spent a considerable amount on the game).

I personally like the change i think its cool. I do believe tho that the sup packs could be abit better.

The lot boxes are great change i love it and support it so i got all from them.

3 things that i wouldve liked to see tho..

1: the items seems abit random and they dont fit one another.. Even the colors.. So i think the recolored itens shouldve been same colors so they fit in sets.

2: too many different names hard to search in mtx inventory.

3: and lastly i still hope to see anything added to make use of already existing old duplicated items.. Anything that let us use them. Ty
I really like the idea of the new MTX. We definitely have a lot of armour sets that have been released over the past 10 years so it's nice to see some out of the ordinary mtx hit the store.
While I really appreciate this new direction of MTX and see many people are liking it, I myself am not a fan of the dynamic MTX or MTX that gives visual effects, and feel the current direction is too inclined to them. But I understand now it's an experimental phase.

I would love it if we'll still see some static armour sets or weapon skins released in shop/supporter packs in future.
I really love the new mystery box and the supporter packs. I would really like it if you could mix and match the tiers of the supports packs since they are not so heavyly theme like before. The only feedback I have about the battle pass, which i also bought, is I would like one or two of the mtxs to be for more early game uniques.
Supporter packs are ok - only hideout walkthrough need to be released with the packs.
Vault pass is just a scam for me.
New mystery boxes are shit - too many recolors, and locked flask effects and charge affects are just stupid. Why I cant make char with purple armor/weapon skins, purple life/utility flask effects and purple endurance charges?
Maroider skin - good, but can go more overboard - something like characters from "Baki".
Prices on all MTX - worst pricing of all games what I have played.
Last edited by paganicus on May 19, 2022, 11:01:40 PM
I'd really like to see a super spooky horror themed support pack. Theres all this amazing body-horror coolness in game with the whole sun temple and the depraved trinity, but no real mtx options to mimic that style
bought both Hideouts and i like them both but i will copy and paste here, what i posted on the hideout videos you (GGG) released:

Both are really nice HOs .. love the settings and the options the daytime change offers - same for the colors of the ghost-lights.

Now what you dont see is that both new HOs have problems with elevations that just stick out of the normal groundtiles and cant be hidden with ease.

Please GGG fix this ... there are many places in both HO where no microelevation is needed to keep the HO looking as it is.

One of the nasty ones shown here

I published 20+ hideouts up to now and bought both packs and like both Hideouts - but pls get your designers aware of the problems those "little" things cause and at least avoid them for the next HOs we have to spent money to get.

And if it is fine at the end of the desgign process and mesh optimization done by code and not manually causes it, that routine needs an upgrade.
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Definitely agreed that effects that interact with gameplay are potentially really cool.

Except when they're part of supporter packs—it's always going to feel bad to have to buy 10 things at once just to get the one that you want and ignore the other nine.

As for Kirac's Vault Pass, I don't think anyone's going to like this, but: I bought the first one because a number of its MTXs provided capabilities that were otherwise not available, like the ability to clearly see the boundaries of your Bottled Faith consecrated ground, or to a lesser extent the ability to see whether your Aegis Aurora blocking is working properly in any given situation. Since the second pass didn't have anything like that, I didn't feel the need to buy it. Which I suppose I'm happy about because without a pass, it feels less mandatory to play a good build, i.e. if my build ends up not being good enough for it to be fun to hit 100 map completion, then oh well, I can just call it for the league and come back for the next.

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