3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Leaddier wrote:
I think I got stuck in a noob trap somewhere?

Yeah, you fell into the DPS-is-my-first-and-only-priority Noobtrap..hard :)

You are running around with 3,3k HP <- That's your problem.

No Matter how good your Def-Layers are, 3,3k will always get you oneshot. You need to have at least some HP-Buffer to let your Layers do their work.

Good News is you can easily fix it with a few chaos. e.g::
1, Get rid of "Dirty Technique" and "Heavy Draw". Put the 7 Points into HP-nodes. (~+700HP)
2, Replace Hyrris with +HP BodyArmour (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/mvMd8aZC6. Open prefix: Craft another +8%life) (+550HP)

Last edited by Schejian on Mar 20, 2022, 8:57:52 AM
Schejian wrote:
Leaddier wrote:
I think I got stuck in a noob trap somewhere?

Yeah, you fell into the DPS-is-my-first-and-only-priority Noobtrap..hard :)

You are running around with 3,3k HP <- That's your problem.

No Matter how good your Def-Layers are, 3,3k will always get you oneshot. You need to have at least some HP-Buffer to let your Layers do their work.

Good News is you can easily fix it with a few chaos. e.g::
1, Get rid of "Dirty Technique" and "Heavy Draw". Put the 7 Points into HP-nodes. (~+700HP)
2, Replace Hyrris with +HP BodyArmour (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Archnemesis/mvMd8aZC6. Open prefix: Craft another +8%life) (+550HP)

Yeah that was definitely my problem, lol. I took your advice and it saved my butt.

I did a few maps earlier, much better now :)

Thank you
brunowa wrote:
pdot1336 wrote:

I have a question regarding the Blizz Crown. Can we reroll the implicit cold dmg/res modifier with eldritch modifiers? Will this change anything?

It will override the Blizzard Crown implicit.

So if you want to roll with some eldritch mods, then just use any other rare helm.

Follow up question - Why is the Blizz Crown implicit important? Sorry for being a noob lol
To proc fire exposure from Elemental Equilibrium.
Cruiza wrote:
To proc fire exposure from Elemental Equilibrium.

That's one reason but we can easily get that from other pieces of gear.

The real reason is that the added cold damage is huge and this gets added to the total explosion/ignite damage. The higher your added Cold/Lightning damage on gear, the greater your DPS. It's the same reason we use a Hyrri's Ire (for the huge added Cold DPS).
Last edited by brunowa on Mar 20, 2022, 6:56:48 PM
Hi guys,

Been playing this build for a few weeks now and having heaps of fun. I've opted more for quality of life and defense in my build as I found the DPS to be fine without investing too much into it. Would love some suggestions from some veterans for what to upgrade next.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/nH6vsfBP
IGN: _FuRi
brunowa wrote:
Cruiza wrote:
To proc fire exposure from Elemental Equilibrium.

That's one reason but we can easily get that from other pieces of gear.

The real reason is that the added cold damage is huge and this gets added to the total explosion/ignite damage. The higher your added Cold/Lightning damage on gear, the greater your DPS. It's the same reason we use a Hyrri's Ire (for the huge added Cold DPS).

I’m a little confused about damage delivery. I think from EE lightning or cold must strike the target before the fire attack. It would seem if you don’t have “the cold or lightning attacks” attribute on a piece of gear, the only way we proc EE is through fire, which we don’t want. You have an add 4-7 to cold attacks modifier on a ring which would solve this. I don’t have cold or lightning damage “with attacks”.

Put another way when you have an adds cold damage to attacks, it then causes EE so our fire is upped by 50%
while our cold is mitigated by -25%, diluting the added cold damage modifiers. If so, it seems this would make cold damage less important and the “add cold damage to attacks” modifier importance is to proc EE.

I don’t know if this is correct; looking for guidance, especially to know if I need to put an “adds cold damage to attacks” modifier on my gear as to distinguish from “adds cold damage”.

Last edited by Hoya63 on Mar 21, 2022, 10:27:25 AM
Hoya63 wrote:

I’m a little confused about damage delivery.

Haha who isnt? EA as skill is wierd, especially with +Added Elemental Damage and works something like this:

By default your Arrows itself do NO Dmg at all. No dmg from your Bow applies. No Physical / No Elemental.

No Ele-Dmg. Lvl20 EA:
1 Arrow: Do Zero DMG with the Arrow itself and adds a 650 Fire delayed Explosion + a 5% MORE DMG Bonus (Fuse Bonus)
2 Arrow: Do Zero DMG with the Arrow itself and add another 650 Fire to the existing delayed Explosion (650*2 now) and 10% MORE Dmg Bonus (Fuse Bonus)
10 Arrow: 6500 Fire Damage Plus 50% More Bonus
20 Arrows: 13000 Fire Damage Plus 100% More Bonus (20 Fuses Reached -> Boom ->Fire DMG Explosion. -> Procs EE: Removes Exposure to Fire)

Now say you have a Bow with a "Adds 38 to 638 Lightning Damage" (LOCAL)(average ~335) :
1 Arrow: Do Zero DMG with the Arrow itself and adds a 650 Fire delayed Explosion And add 50% of the 335Lighnting Dmg to the Explosion, and 5%Fuse Bonus
10 Arrow: 6500Fire Damage and 1675 Lightning PLUS 50% More Bonus
20 Arrow: 13000Fire Damage and 3350 Lightning PLUS 100% More Bonus

This is why Attackspeed, and getting 20 Fuses is so important. We not only get a bigger Explosions by adding more +FireDMG to the Main Explosion, but we also get the +5% More from every Fuse

"Why at least one source of Added ELE to ATTACKS is important"
So the Arrows are Designed to always do Zero Damage by default...but engine wise, it is still an "attack" (there's an arrow flying and hitting the target, after all).
Soo uh "Added Damage to Attacks" works with it. (Lucky us! We can exploit that)
"Added DMG with attack" gets added to the Explosion (nice) and also to the Zero Dmg Arrow (uh?), making our Arrow now do a laughable small amount of dmg, but enough to proc EE Exposure of the other Elements.

If you have "Add 10 Cold Damage to Attacks":
Every single Arrow hitting the Target Procs -50% Fire Exposure and -50% Lightning Exposure.
The BIG EA Explosion (which is mostly fire) does nice dmg, because we have the -50% Fire Exposure on it, then removes the Fire Exposure completly (OH NO!)..but luckily we immediately hit it with an (Cold)Arrow again, reapplying the -50% Fire Exposure.

Blizzard Crown is quite nice, it adds about 1000 Base-Cold Damage to the Final Explosion (50%Base of the added 100Cold * 20 Arrows = 1000). You won't have the -Cold Exposure, but it's still a nice chunk of dmg regardless.

Last edited by Schejian on Mar 21, 2022, 11:38:36 AM
So net: you need "cold damage to attacks" somewhere on your gear (not to be confused with "adds xxx cold damage) to proc EE and take advantage of EE. I just added it to a ring.

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