3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Is chaos resistance important? I currently have it capped, should i forego chaos resistance and go for others?
Last edited by Siaoheeha on Mar 6, 2022, 10:39:27 PM
tiagoman wrote:

Is divergent better than the normal one in this build?

Divergent is for clearspeed.
Hey guys,

thanks for that awesome build!
What should be my next steps? Here's my Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ZAYafmvB

Some notes:
- Resistances are capped with Purity of Elements
- Attack Speed is too low, I'm working on that for 20 fuses
- I'm also working on my cluster jewels, that's why I have some random attack speed nodes on the tree - until I have all jewels and got some more attack speed on my gear
- My right ring is a bit of a problem, but Flammability rings are pretty hard to get (at least cheap ones)

Thanks in advance!

Edit: My main issues are:
- Defense: Sometimes I get oneshotted or some degen kills me - I think some more life wouldn't be bad and should I think about changing my Pantheons?
- Attack speed as mentioned above.

BTW: I'm far from having an ideal setup, but Shaper and Uber Elder haven't been a problem - Also the Maven would have been totally doable if I wasn't too dumb to remember the tiles in the mind game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last edited by fepicail on Mar 7, 2022, 3:30:38 AM
Is there any way to go about crafting the bow? I can't exactly afford a +3 but rolling alts is literally awful.
moon_nmh wrote:
Is there any way to go about crafting the bow? I can't exactly afford a +3 but rolling alts is literally awful.

It's quite cheap actually if you want to start from scratch, you got some options:

A, Fossil Crafting
Fossil Craft it with Correded+Jagged+Metallic.
Will hit +3Gems every 4th Try (each try cost around 9c. So ~40c)
Continue until Happy.

B, Essence of Dread:
Should hit the +3 every 40Trys (2c* 40 =~80chaos cost)

Here is my version of this build, close to 10m ignite dps, good evasion and armor (80+ with flasks on both) and 4.8k health. Budget on it is around 15-20 ex so not anywhere near as expensive as some other endgame build.


It uses devouring diadem and arcanist brand for flammability curse, flame surge and corpse creation, so decent health sustain even against bosses. I skipped frenzy in favor of run speed (phase run). Phase run also improves survivability since you become sort of invisible from time to time.
Last edited by MagnusH on Mar 7, 2022, 5:14:46 AM
MagnusH wrote:


Small possible upgrade:

As you are running Shaper of Storms you could get the Ash, Frost Storm Wheel. Its one of the strongest choices (15%DPS for 4Points)
If you take it instead of left-medium cluster you'll gain 7%DPS and 6%All Res, for free.

(Also Awakenend Burning Damage is only 20c now)

Also can confirm about PhaseRun. Its a great addition to run. (+50%movementspeed while moving from pack->pack.)

Last edited by Schejian on Mar 7, 2022, 6:55:44 AM
Schejian wrote:

Small possible upgrade:

As you are running Shaper of Storms you could get the Ash, Frost Storm Wheel. Its one of the strongest choices (15%DPS for 4Points)
If you take it instead of left-medium cluster you'll gain 7%DPS and 6%All Res, for free.

Cheers! That was a nice little upgrade for free (well, it did cost 1 regret :-) )

I did run Bastion of elements before but noticed that the aegis was almost always at full strength, so figured it didn't add that much to survivability.
Can I get some help? I know I don't have endgame gear, but I feel like it should be doing better than its playing. PoB is saying I would have 3M DPS at 20 fuses, and I know I don't have anywhere near that kind of damage output. My RF character using fire trap does way more damage to bosses than this one does.

Just from feel and playing around in PoB, I think the problem is that I'm not getting enough fuse stacks. I'd guess I'm getting 5, not 20. However, I'm not sure what to do to fix it. I feel like I've overlooked some key point from this build guide, but I'm not sure what it is that I've missed.



Hello guys

would you mind explaining in details how to craft the helmet?

i have this base to start with
1 prefix and 1 sufix open is ok to start with?

i plan to buy a warlord helmet base with -9% fire res

a bit lost how to combine them both


Last edited by duche31 on Mar 7, 2022, 1:02:32 PM

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