3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

So I understand now how to calculate fuses - but is there a "sweet spot" for our skill duration?

Currently mine is at 1.815s. I was discussing with someone more familiar with EA and they mentioned we want the duration to be more in the 1.2-1.4 range, but maybe that's more for map clearing vs bossing?

I was thinking about swapping out lifetap for for Awakened Swift Affliction which is pretty cheap. PoB is saying this would increase my DPS by about 3Mish after taking account the DPS loss from not having life tap. The other downside to Awakened Swift Affliction is it decreases ailment duration by 25% - so would decrease from the previous 1.815s to 1.353s.

My attack rate is currently 2.42 when flasking (they're up as long as they have charges).

If my fuse calcs are correct (have 100% hit chance):
w/ lifetap: 1.815*6*2.42 = 26.3538
w/ Awakened: 1.353*6*2.42 = 19.64

Would it be worth swapping if my fuses are borderline 20? I'll try and increase my attack speed, but for now might just use awakened for clearing, and lifetap for bosses.

Here's my PoB if anyone wants to check it out / has any feedback!


Last edited by snendsnudes on Mar 4, 2022, 2:56:33 PM
snendsnudes wrote:
So I understand now how to calculate fuses - but is there a "sweet spot" for our skill duration?

Currently mine is at 1.815s. I was discussing with someone more familiar with EA and they mentioned we want the duration to be more in the 1.2-1.4 range, but maybe that's more for map clearing vs bossing?

Yes, for mapclear you want it as low as possible while still maintaining enough DPS to oneshot Trash. For Bosses more Duration doesn't hurt (But benefits ends after you hit 20fuses).

Not quite sure how you arrive at a 1,8s duration? You should be at 1,5s.

(The 30Quality from Ashes of Stars will get applied in PoB, you don't need to manually set EA-Quality to Q50. Thats why it's showing 80Quality in your PoB)

snendsnudes wrote:

I was thinking about swapping out lifetap for for Awakened Swift Affliction which is pretty cheap. PoB is saying this would increase my DPS by about 3Mish after taking account the DPS loss from not having life tap. The other downside to Awakened Swift Affliction is it decreases ailment duration by 25% - so would decrease from the previous 1.815s to 1.353s.

The QoL from not having to worry about Mana is huge.
You'll also lose a Utility Flask (needing to use mana flask now), so survivability would be a bit worse.

And the -25% Duration will hurt your DPS boss quite a lot. Offsetting the DPS gain against bosses.

snendsnudes wrote:

If my fuse calcs are correct (have 100% hit chance):
w/ lifetap: 1.815*6*2.42 = 26.3538
w/ Awakened: 1.353*6*2.42 = 19.64

Yes, but adjusted for the 30%Quality Error
it would be
Lifetap = 21,7Fuses (Reaching 20fuses after 1,37s)
Awakened = 16 fuses
shizukun wrote:
I almost dropped from my chair when I got mageblood from gwennen.
Is headhunter a better belt for this build? I'm thinking of selling it and buy HH so I can upgrade my gears


Although I would never recommend playing HH on any delayed DMG built.
It still great ofc, but other instant-dmg builds profit wayyy more from the HH buffs. I'd play things like TornadoShot or LighningStrike Raider with it.

Remember, no matter how high our DPS, we will never instant clear anything. If you got the Bankroll (and Boy do you have that now) other builds might be way more suitable for you now :)
Last edited by Schejian on Mar 4, 2022, 4:12:18 PM
HH is still great. I run with it all the time. But I agree it's not as great compared to other HH builds.

I would prefer HH over mageblood for this build, as I personally only run with 2 utility flasks so it would mostly go to waste. But if you are going for more defence or looking to boost resistances via flasks (freeing up suffixes elsewhere on gear) then it could be worthwhile. Not one I consider worth it for me personally.

Alternatively, sell the belt and go all out and min-maxing... Or, just play a different build more suited to mageblood :)
Last edited by brunowa on Mar 4, 2022, 4:31:23 PM
Schejian wrote:
snendsnudes wrote:
So I understand now how to calculate fuses - but is there a "sweet spot" for our skill duration?

Currently mine is at 1.815s. I was discussing with someone more familiar with EA and they mentioned we want the duration to be more in the 1.2-1.4 range, but maybe that's more for map clearing vs bossing?

Yes, for mapclear you want it as low as possible while still maintaining enough DPS to oneshot Trash. For Bosses more Duration doesn't hurt (But benefits ends after you hit 20fuses).

Not quite sure how you arrive at a 1,8s duration? You should be at 1,5s.

(The 30Quality from Ashes of Stars will get applied in PoB, you don't need to manually set EA-Quality to Q50. Thats why it's showing 80Quality in your PoB)

I got 1.55sec near unique enemy with rare amulet so 1.8 should be easy with ashes of stars.

Or you've checked his gear and talking about that, nvm in that case.

Yep, my bad i guess.
Last edited by za6i9ka on Mar 4, 2022, 7:00:41 PM
Not sure HH is worth it. We're totems + EA + dot which is way too slow to be worth it imo. As for Mageblood, it looks really solid if nothing changed since its release.

Last edited by za6i9ka on Mar 4, 2022, 7:26:33 PM
Still exceptionally happy with the build and just sinking my currency into min-maxing it.

One thing is that I can only afford to use a lvl 1 precision due to my mana. This has dropped my accuracy to 94%. Think that's enough? I do want to push it higher.

Here is my gears:

How do you think I can squeeze more accuracy? I guess I can use the eater of worlds mod on my gloves but that means I won't be capped spell supression without a quartz flask. I guess I can switch my evasion flask for a quartz.

Do you think a lvl 4 enlighten is worth it to squeeze a few extra levels from precision? I do have the ex but was saving for a new ammulet that had +2 to gems.

I also have 2 skill points that I've gained recently and just put into HP cuz I thought it was the best choice, but they are free to use. Tried to take mana nodes but they end up only giving me like 8 extra mana, even if I craft mana to my gloves. Also tried to take the bow mastery node of extra accuracy from green slots on my bow but I have only 1 green slot due to the white sockets.

Thanks guys. This is the best build I've ever played and I'm super happy with it. I still clear all content very well at 94% accuracy but would love to push it higher.

Kojack37 wrote:
Still exceptionally happy with the build and just sinking my currency into min-maxing it.

One thing is that I can only afford to use a lvl 1 precision due to my mana. This has dropped my accuracy to 94%. Think that's enough? I do want to push it higher.

Here is my gears:

How do you think I can squeeze more accuracy? I guess I can use the eater of worlds mod on my gloves but that means I won't be capped spell supression without a quartz flask. I guess I can switch my evasion flask for a quartz.

Do you think a lvl 4 enlighten is worth it to squeeze a few extra levels from precision? I do have the ex but was saving for a new ammulet that had +2 to gems.

I also have 2 skill points that I've gained recently and just put into HP cuz I thought it was the best choice, but they are free to use. Tried to take mana nodes but they end up only giving me like 8 extra mana, even if I craft mana to my gloves. Also tried to take the bow mastery node of extra accuracy from green slots on my bow but I have only 1 green slot due to the white sockets.

Thanks guys. This is the best build I've ever played and I'm super happy with it. I still clear all content very well at 94% accuracy but would love to push it higher.


Your DPS should be a non-issue with that gear.

I run with 94% accuracy. The difference is negligible between that and 100% and you won't notice any difference in reality.

In saying that, if you really wanna get to 100% then it seems you already know your options. Just make it happen.

Starting with an Enlighten 4 is the obvious starting point and take it from there.
brunowa wrote:
Kojack37 wrote:
Still exceptionally happy with the build and just sinking my currency into min-maxing it.

One thing is that I can only afford to use a lvl 1 precision due to my mana. This has dropped my accuracy to 94%. Think that's enough? I do want to push it higher.

Here is my gears:

How do you think I can squeeze more accuracy? I guess I can use the eater of worlds mod on my gloves but that means I won't be capped spell supression without a quartz flask. I guess I can switch my evasion flask for a quartz.

Do you think a lvl 4 enlighten is worth it to squeeze a few extra levels from precision? I do have the ex but was saving for a new ammulet that had +2 to gems.

I also have 2 skill points that I've gained recently and just put into HP cuz I thought it was the best choice, but they are free to use. Tried to take mana nodes but they end up only giving me like 8 extra mana, even if I craft mana to my gloves. Also tried to take the bow mastery node of extra accuracy from green slots on my bow but I have only 1 green slot due to the white sockets.

Thanks guys. This is the best build I've ever played and I'm super happy with it. I still clear all content very well at 94% accuracy but would love to push it higher.


Your DPS should be a non-issue with that gear.

I run with 94% accuracy. The difference is negligible between that and 100% and you won't notice any difference in reality.

In saying that, if you really wanna get to 100% then it seems you already know your options. Just make it happen.

Starting with an Enlighten 4 is the obvious starting point and take it from there.


Thanks for the build guide Brunowa. This really is an awesome build. I will be sad when it is smashed by GGG's Nerf Hammer at the end of this league.
I'm trying to roll a good brutal restraint and slot it in bottom of tree so it affects bravery, art of gladiator, golem's blood, and survelliance.

What's the minimum I should be looking for to replace a jewel like this:

Right now I have two 20% increased burning damage, 4% life, and 5% double damamge (this one shouldn't really effect me).

This one seems pretty good, esp ssince it also has ignites deal 10% faster on dirty techniques if I can get find the points to path to it.

Or should i look for more?
So, using the formula provided in the guide I calculate my fuses to be 20.44. Of course, this is in an ideal situation with 3 frenzy charges up (not that difficult to maintain) and all totems cast at the same time (I'm assuming?). I know 20 fuses is the max, but I'm wondering if the .44 is enough of a "cushion" to reliably get 20 fuses on bosses. I could get more attack speed with a different quiver, but I'd be giving up around 700k ignite damage.

Amazing build btw. I used it as my league starter and was clearing t16s (albeit slowly) on 100c investment. I've been taking my time this league and just underwent a major gear overhaul. I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs on Maven and the other pinnacle bosses.

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